Help:Large Monster Pages

From MHWiki
Revision as of 20:09, 7 September 2024 by HunterHisty (talk | contribs)

This is a help page describing how to properly edit Large Monster pages on this wiki, such as Great Jagras.


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Creating a New Page

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select edit
  3. Copy the contents of the page, excluding the final line that includes "Do not include in the filled pages"
  4. Navigate to the large monster page that you wish to create
  5. Paste the contents from the sandbox page
  6. Edit according to the guidelines below

It can be helpful to view the markdown of an already existing monster page to use as a reference. (Rathalos, Lunastra, etc)

Editing an Existing Page

The following definitions and conventions have been established for the various fields on the page. Please follow them to keep all pages consistent, or reach out to Wiki staff if you believe they should be changed.

Most fields should be sufficiently described by the default info copied from the sandbox page, but some sections are described in more detail below.


This is the navigation bar at the top of a large monster page with related monsters. If the monster whose page you're creating has a subspecies, deviant, etc. simply add the monster's name in the corresponding field of this template. Delete any unused fields. "Related Species" refers to a minion (such as Jagras to Great Jagras), opposite gender categorized as another monster (such as Rathian to Rathalos), or a different growth stage (such as Gravios to Basarios). More loose relations to other monsters will be relatives at the very end of the navigation bar (Radobaan to Uragaan, Diablos to Espinas).


This is the infobox that appears in the top right of the large monster pages.


The image files for large monsters can be found in this category: 20th Anniversary Monster Renders


Please keep in mind the Help:Source Priority system.


Please keep in mind the naming conventions specified in Editing Guidelines

Length, Height, and Foot

Please convert these to meters and include a maximum of two digits right of the decimal (maybe?).


General biomes that the monster lives in are listed here rather than specific locales. State the monster lives in Forests, Deserts, etc.


The same criteria from NavigationMonsterSpecies applies to what should be included here.


Describing the monster's taxonomy from "Order" to "Family" is listed here.

Please see a filled evolutionary tree such as Evolutionary Tree - Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: Official Complete Works to see what to fill in for the monster, or whatever official media has it if not in a evolutionary tree page.


Infobox to be used for all monster pages. Use the monster’s corresponding game icon and write its description, ★ threat level, and additional hunting notes for that game.

Game Data

Write about the monster’s specific data such as locales, hitzones, carves, and weapons/armor in this section.

Only data from the monster's latest title appearance should be at the top (Wilds, Sunbreak, Iceborne, etc), then the rest relegated and linked to their own individual pages in Previous Titles, such as "Rathalos/Iceborne".

Game Appearances

List all game appearances, as well as specify the title the monster was introduced in, here.

The list should go Main Series > Frontier > Stories > Spin-Off > Crossovers > Other Media > Cameos

Frontier appearances outside its original update appearance, as well as more minor spin-offs, can be lumped together using ** instead of *.

Other Media describes books, movies, real-life Capcom attractions, etc. Cameos are games the monster DOESN'T appear in, however exist in the game in the form of weapons or armor (Terms of speech like "A pain in the Astalos" does not count).


Notes and details about the monster can be written here.

General notes are all-encompassing and important to the entire series, while title specific notes such as new monster attacks can be placed in title notes, like "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Notes =". Title notes will have abbreviated tabs for convenience.

Miscellaneous notes are monster notes that are overall less important, belonging to minor spinoffs, describing crossovers, or even references and parodies in non-Capcom media such as third-party games or anime (as long as it is official media, trademarked, and isn't NSFW).


|English Name = English name of the monster
|Japanese Name = Japanese name of the monster
|Image = Image name (and only the file name, defaults to "wiki.png")
|Title = Monster Title (Default: None)
|Introduced = Acronym of the game this monster was introduced in
|Class = Monster class
|Length = Average Length
|Height = Average Height
|Foot = Footprint size
|Habitats = Known habitat types, separated by <hr>
|Relatives = Known relatives of the monster
|Order = Taxonomy of the monster's Order
|Suborder = Taxonomy of the monster's Suborder
|Infraorder = Taxonomy of the monster's Infraorder
|Superfamily = Taxonomy of the monster's Superfamily
|Family = Taxonomy of the monster's Family
|SEODesc = Short description to be appended to the autogenerated seo description
|NoCat = Don't add categories


Title Fire Wyvern
Introduced MH1
Classification Flying Wyvern
Average Dimensions
Length Unknown
Height Unknown
Foot Size Unknown
Azure Rathalos
Silver Rathalos
Order Saurischia
Suborder Wyvern Feet
Infraorder Armor Shell Wyvern
Superfamily Flying Wyvern
Family Rath

The Fire Wyvern Rathalos (リオレウス, rioreusu) is a Flying Wyvern introduced in the original Monster Hunter.

Physiology and Abilities

Rathalos are large flying wyverns characterized by their red shells adorned with black markings. Their large wings possess a strong membrane with fiery dark marks coming from the wing arm. The tail-tip is noticeably wider than the rest of the tail, and is used as a club.

The talons of a Rathalos can secrete a powerful toxin capable of disorienting large animals, while their developed flame sac allows them to spit large fireballs.

Rathalos are the male part of a sexually dimorphic species, and are often seen alongside their female counterpart, Rathian.

Rathalos is affected by Regional Variation, where individuals within the same species look slightly different based on where they live. The Rathalos seen near Minegarde and Dundorma (=those seen in the games from Monster Hunter to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) are quite thin, with long necks and wider maws. The Rathalos found near Moga, Val Habar, the New World and Kamura (those seen in the games from Monster Hunter 3 onwards) are much bulkier by comparison, and have stronger legs.[1][2]


Monster Hunter Now
Characteristics: A fearsome flying wyvern who has earned the moniker "King of the Skies."
Together with its female counterpart, it forms its territory around their nest, keeping close watch from above.
With its powerful wings, it swiftly descends to intercept any trespassers, assailing them with its mighty, poisonous claws.
In addition, it is well known for its ability to breathe fire.

Useful Information: As implied by its title of "King of the Skies," this monster is capable of taking flight, whereupon it will attack from above with its flame breath.
By targeting its wings, or severing its tail, you may be able to force it to descend to the ground.

Habitat: Forest

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies." Along with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nest. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and a breath of fire.
Threat Level: ★★★★★★
The King of the Skies lives up to its name by staying airborne for most of its attacks. A well-aimed Flash Bomb can help to bring a Rathalos down to earth, however.
Monster Hunter
Male wyvern that keeps a nest and patrols its territory from the air in search of prey. Its claws are filled with poison that weakens its prey.

Game Data

Monster Hunter Wilds

Previous Titles

Gen 5+ titles will have expansion game data fused together with base game data (NO Rathalos/MHWorld, Rathalos/MHRise (Rathalos/MHWilds is exception until expansion)).

Game Appearances

  • Rathalos has appeared in every Monster Hunter title (save for some minor spinoffs) and almost all crossovers involving the series.

Main Series





  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  • Puzzle & Dragons
  • Puzzle & Dragons X
  • Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
  • Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS (via armor)
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Gyakuten Othellonia
  • Dragalia Lost
  • Dragon Quest of the Stars
  • Arknights
  • Street Fighter 6
  • RAID: Shadow Legends (via armor & crossover trailer)
  • Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis

Other Media

Information from Printed Media

For printed media that was never officially localized into English, fan translations have been used and they may include errors. If you can read Japanese and would like to improve this wiki please message yuzucchinyan on Discord.

Title of Printed Media

From Pages X-Y: Summary of the information about this monster from this media.

Other Languages

Other Languages
日本語 リオレウス (rioreusu)
火竜 (hiryū)
한국어 리오레우스 (liole-useu)
화룡 (hwalyong)
International Rathalos
Español Wyvern de Fuego


General Notes
  • Its head, back, and wings (individual) can be broken, and its tail severed.
  • Rathalos is the flagship monster for the entire series.
    • Rathalos has appeared in every single game in the series (save for some minor spinoffs), alongside Rathian, Kelbi and the Felynes.
  • Rathalos received a modern redesign in Monster Hunter 3 that remains current for all future titles. The same is true for its relatives such as Azure Rathalos and Rathian.
  • Rathalos, Lagiacrus, and Estrellian are the only flagships to have area themes play rather than unique themes. However, Rathalos is often associated with his debut location (and its theme), Forest and Hills.
    • Monster Hunter Online is exempt from this, where Forest and Hills music always plays for Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, and Silver Rathalos.
  • Rathalos ranked 21st place in the Top Monster competition during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary, just short of the congratulated top 20.[3]
Monster Hunter Rise
  • Rathalos can appear in the Rampage, where it is considered a Targetter.
  • Rathalos gains an attack where he breathes a wall of flames while flying forward.
  • To strike airborne targets, Rathalos can shoot fireballs upwards. He will also fly and ascend to his target's height to attack more.
  • Rathalos first appeared in the second Rise trailer, "The Game Awards 2020 Trailer." He appears in a Rampage cutscene that was never released to the actual game.
  • Monster Hunter Stories 2
  • Breaking Rathalos' wings while its flying will Down him for the current turn and next turn.
  • Like most flying monsters, Rathalos is eligible for Air Showdown duels.
    • Also like some flying monsters, Rathalos can be grounded with a Flash Bomb while flying, Downing him for the rest of the turn. (Immune while Enraged Flying)
  • Rathalos and its eggs are only found after the final boss is defeated, since it preys on Rathalos and made its local population go missing.
  • While most monsters have minor color changes from elemental mutation, a Dragon-mutated Rathalos has severely darker crimson scales. (Easier seen at level 1)
  • Sources

    1. Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works, pg. 280
    2. Hunter's Encyclopedia 3, pg. 48


    Monster List
    Sixth Generation BaunosBulaqchiCeratonothDalthydonGajiosSeikretTalioth
    BalaharaChatacabraDoshagumaLala BarinaRey Dau
    Fifth Generation BarnosBoaboaBoggiBombadgyCanyneCortosGajalakaGajauGastodonGirrosGowngoatGrimalkyneIzuchiJagrasKestodonMernosNoiosPyrantulaRachnoidRaphinosShamosWulg
    Acidic GlavenusAknosomAlmudronMagma AlmudronAnjanathFulgur AnjanathApex ArzurosApex DiablosApex RathalosApex RathianApex MizutsuneApex ZinogreBanbaroBazelgeuseSeething BazelgeuseBeotodusBishatenBlood Orange BishatenDodogamaEspinasFlaming EspinasFrostfang BariothGarangolmGoss HaragGreat GirrosGreat IzuchiGreat JagrasJyuratodusKulu-Ya-KuLegianaShrieking LegianaLeshenAncient LeshenLunagaronMagnamaloScorned MagnamaloOdogaronEbony OdogaronPaolumuNightshade PaolumuPukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-PukeiRadobaanRakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-KadakiScarred Yian GarugaSomnacanthAurora SomnacanthTetranadonTobi-KadachiViper Tobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuViolet Mizutsune
    BehemothCrimson Glow ValstraxGaismagormKulve TarothMalzenoPrimordial MalzenoNamielleNergiganteRuiner NergiganteRisen ChameleosRisen Crimson Glow ValstraxRisen Kushala DaoraRisen TeostraSafi'jiivaShara IshvaldaThunder Serpent NarwaNarwa the AllmotherVaal HazakBlackveil Vaal HazakVelkhanaWind Serpent IbushiXeno'jiivaZorah Magdaros
    Fourth Generation KonchuLarinothMaccaoMoofahZamite
    Ahtal-KaAstalosBoltreaver AstalosBloodbath DiablosCrystalbeard UragaanDeadeye Yian GarugaDreadking RathalosDreadqueen RathianGammothElderfrost GammothGlavenusHellblade GlavenusGore MagalaChaotic Gore MagalaGreat MaccaoGrimclaw TigrexKecha WachaAsh Kecha WachaMalfestioNightcloak MalfestioMizutsuneSoulseer MizutsuneMolten TigrexNajaralaTidal NajaralaNerscyllaShrouded NerscyllaRaging BrachydiosRedhelm ArzurosRuby BasariosRustrazor CeanataurSeltasDesert SeltasSeltas QueenDesert Seltas QueenSeregiosSilverwind NargacugaSnowbaron LagombiStonefist HermitaurTetsucabraBerserk TetsucabraDrilltusk TetsucabraThunderlord ZinogreZamtriosTigerstripe Zamtrios
    Dah'ren MohranDalamadurShah DalamadurGogmaziosNakarkosOroshi KirinShagaru MagalaValstrax
    Third Generation AltarothBaggiBnahabraDelexEpiothFishGargwaGiggiJaggiJaggiaLudrothRhenoplosSlagtothUroktorWroggi
    AgnaktorGlacial AgnaktorArzurosBariothSand BariothBarrothJade BarrothBrachydiosBrute TigrexDeviljhoSavage DeviljhoDuramborosRust DuramborosGigginoxBaleful GigginoxGobulGreat BaggiGreat JaggiGreat WroggiGreen NargacugaLucent NargacugaLagiacrusIvory LagiacrusAbyssal LagiacrusLagombiNibelsnarfQurupecoCrimson QurupecoRoyal LudrothPurple LudrothUragaanSteel UragaanVolvidonZinogreStygian Zinogre
    AlatreonAmatsuCeadeusGoldbeard CeadeusDire MiralisJhen MohranHallowed Jhen Mohran
    Second Generation AntekaBlangoCeanataurCongaGiapreyGreat ThunderbugHermitaurPopoRemobraShakalaka
    AkantorBlangongaCopper BlangongaBulldromeCongalalaEmerald CongalalaDaimyo HermitaurPlum Daimyo HermitaurGiadromeHypnocatriceKing ShakalakaLavasiothNargacugaRajangFurious RajangShen GaorenShogun CeanataurTerra Shogun CeanataurTigrexUkanlosVespoid Queen
    ChameleosKushala DaoraRusted Kushala DaoraLunastraTeostraWhite FatalisYama Tsukami
    First Generation ApcerosAptonothBullfangoCephalosFelyneGenpreyHornetaurIopreyKelbiMelynxMosswineVelocipreyWhite VelocipreyVespoid
    BasariosCephadromeDiablosBlack DiablosGendromeGraviosBlack GraviosGypcerosPurple GypcerosIodromeKhezuRed KhezuMonoblosWhite MonoblosPlesiothGreen PlesiothRathalosAzure RathalosSilver RathalosRathianPink RathianGold RathianVelocidromeYian GarugaYian Kut-KuBlue Yian Kut-Ku
    KirinLao-Shan LungAshen Lao-Shan LungFatalisCrimson Fatalis
    Stories Generation Aptonoth EXGreat Dracophage BugUroktor EX
    Agnaktor EXBarroth EXEponaGreat PoogieKumashiraKurenai GoukamiTigrex EX
    Uragaan EX
    Makili PietruOlturaVersa Pietru
    Frontier Generation BurukkuEgyurasuErupeHalkKusubamiPokaraUruki
    AbioruguGiaoruguZenith GiaoruguAkura VashimuZenith Akura VashimuAkura JebiaAnorupatisuZenith AnorupatisuAruganosuBarlagualZenith BarlagualBerukyurosuDoragyurosuZenith DoragyurosuBlinking NargacugaBogabadorumuBombardier BogabadorumuBreeding Season HypnocatriceSilver HypnocatriceZenith HypnocatriceDiorekkusuDuremudiraArrogant DuremudiraDyuragauaEspinas Rare SpeciesMeraginasuZenith EspinasFarunokkuForokururuGasurabazuraZenith GasurabazuraGogomoaGoruganosuGureadomosuGurenzeburuHowling ZinogreHyujikikiZenith HyujikikiKamu OrugaronKuarusepusuLavasioth SubspeciesLavienteViolent LavienteBerserk LavienteLolo GougarfMi RuMysterious Mi RuMidogaronZenith MidogaronNono OrugaronOdibatorasuPariapuriaThirsty PariapuriaZenith PlesiothPoborubarumuPokaradonRay GougarfStarving DeviljhoFour Heavenly King DeviljhoTaikun ZamuzaZenith Taikun ZamuzaToridclessZenith ToridclessUnknownVarusaburosuVoljangZenaserisuZenith BlangongaZenith Daimyo HermitaurZenith GraviosZenith KhezuZenith RathalosZenith TigrexZerureusuSparkling Zerureusu
    DisufiroaEruzerionBurning Freezing EruzerionGaruba DaoraGuanzorumuRuler GuanzorumuHarudomeruguZenith HarudomeruguInagamiZenith InagamiKeoaruboruRukodioraRebidioraZenith RukodioraShantienToa TesukatoraYama Kurai
    Online Generation BaelidaeDread BaelidaeCaeserberYellow CaeserberGhost CaeserberChramine
    Ice ChramineConflagration RathianCrystal BasariosSandstone BasariosDisaster Wyvern
    Elemental BulldromeEstrellianDoom EstrellianArbiter EstrellianFlame Blangonga
    Flame TigrexGold CongalalaGold HypnocatriceGonngenn HermitaurGuren Shen Gaoren
    Teppeki Shen GaorenLightennaPoikilos LightennaOne-Eared Yian Garuga
    Shattered MonoblosSlicemarglPurple SlicemarglSwordmaster Shogun CeanataurOnimusha
    MerphistophelinElemental MerphistophelinTartaronisInfernal Tartaronis
    Explore ApyposThanksalot BnahabraFestive FelyneGoruruGreat GoruruFestive Melynx
    MetaruGreat Metaru
    Purgatory AgnaktorFrozen BariothThanksalot BarrothUnit-01 BrachydiosIceblast BrachydiosAberrant DeviljhoGilded DiablosSteel Armor DiablosExplosive Peak Duramboros
    Virulent GigginoxYoga GigginoxWitch GobulTenth Angel Gore MagalaGreat ApyposLandconquest Lagiacrus
    Witch LagombiThunderbubble MizutsuneFiercewater NargacugaSeabream Plesioth
    Whitewater PlesiothScorching Heat RathianDestruction Wyvern RathalosFlame Rathalos
    Enma RajangDemonic SeregiosUnit-02 TigrexSweet Tooth TigrexPumpkin UragaanB.O.W. UragaanShiningrock UragaanWatermelon UragaanRotten Uragaan
    Black Star Beast VolvidonChristmas VolvidonImmortal ZinogreFFBE Zinogre
    Eo GarudiaThunder Emperor KirinMorudomuntoNef-Garmat
    Orage Delma-IopreyNaco AgulGilkuza
    Myo Galuna
    |English Name=Rathalos
    |Image=20th-Rathalos Render.png
    |Title=Fire Wyvern
    |Japanese Name=リオレウス
    |Class=Flying Wyvern
    |Relatives=[[Rathian]]<hr>[[Azure Rathalos]]<hr>[[Silver Rathalos]]<hr>[[Zerureusu]]
    |Suborder=Wyvern Feet
    |Infraorder=Armor Shell Wyvern
    |Superfamily=Flying Wyvern
    The Fire Wyvern '''Rathalos''' (リオレウス, ''rioreusu'') is a [[Flying Wyvern]] introduced in the original [[Monster Hunter]].
    ==Physiology and Abilities==
    Rathalos are large flying wyverns characterized by their red shells adorned with black markings. Their large wings possess a strong membrane with fiery dark marks coming from the wing arm. The tail-tip is noticeably wider than the rest of the tail, and is used as a club.
    The talons of a Rathalos can secrete a powerful toxin capable of disorienting large animals, while their developed flame sac allows them to spit large fireballs.
    Rathalos are the male part of a [[Sexual Dimorphism|sexually dimorphic]] species, and are often seen alongside their female counterpart, [[Rathian]].
    Rathalos is affected by [[Regional Variation]], where individuals within the same species look slightly different based on where they live. The Rathalos seen near [[Minegarde]] and [[Dundorma]] (=those seen in the games from [[Monster Hunter]] to [[Monster Hunter Freedom Unite]]) are quite thin, with long necks and wider maws. The Rathalos found near [[Moga]], [[Val Habar]], the [[New World]] and [[Kamura]] (those seen in the games from [[Monster Hunter 3]] onwards) are much bulkier by comparison, and have stronger legs.<ref>Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works, pg. 280</ref><ref>Hunter's Encyclopedia 3, pg. 48</ref>
    |Description='''Characteristics:''' A fearsome flying wyvern who has earned the moniker "King of the Skies."<br/>Together with its female counterpart, it forms its territory around their nest, keeping close watch from above.<br/>With its powerful wings, it swiftly descends to intercept any trespassers, assailing them with its mighty, poisonous claws.<br/>In addition, it is well known for its ability to breathe fire.
    '''Useful Information:''' As implied by its title of "King of the Skies," this monster is capable of taking flight, whereupon it will attack from above with its flame breath.<br/>By targeting its wings, or severing its tail, you may be able to force it to descend to the ground.
    '''Habitat''': Forest
    |Icon=MHNow-Rathalos Icon.png
    |Game=[[Monster Hunter Now]]}}
    |Description=Terrible wyverns called "Kings of the Skies." Along with Rathian, they stake wide territories centered around their nest. Rathalos descend on invaders from the sky, attacking with poison claws and a breath of fire.<br/>'''Threat Level: ★★★★★★'''<br/>The King of the Skies lives up to its name by staying airborne for most of its attacks. A well-aimed '''Flash Bomb can help to bring a Rathalos down to earth, however.'''
    |Icon=MHRS-Rathalos Icon.png
    |Game=[[Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak]]}}
    |Description=Male wyvern that keeps a nest and patrols its territory from the air in search of prey. Its claws are filled with poison that weakens its prey.
    |Icon=1stGen-Rathalos Icon.png
    |Game=[[Monster Hunter]]}}
    ==Game Data==
    <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
    <div class="mw-collapsible-content">
    <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
    ===Previous Titles===
    <div class="mw-collapsible-content">
    Gen 5+ titles will have expansion game data fused together with base game data (NO Rathalos/MHWorld, Rathalos/MHRise (Rathalos/MHWilds is exception until expansion)).
    *[[Rathalos/MHRS|Rise Sunbreak]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHWI|World Iceborne]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHGU|Generations Ultimate]]
    *[[Rathalos/MH4U|4 Ultimate]]
    *[[Rathalos/MH3U|3 Ultimate]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHP3|Portable 3rd]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHFU|Freedom Unite]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHF2|Freedom 2]]
    *[[Rathalos/MHST2|Stories 2]]
    ==Game Appearances==
    <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%;">
    <div class="mw-collapsible-content">
    *Rathalos has appeared in every Monster Hunter title (save for some minor spinoffs) and almost all crossovers involving the series.
    ===Main Series===
    *[[Monster Hunter]] ''(Introduced)''
    *[[Monster Hunter G]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Freedom]]
    *[[Monster Hunter 2]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Freedom 2]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Freedom Unite]]
    *[[Monster Hunter 3]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Portable 3rd]]
    *[[Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate]]
    *[[Monster Hunter 4]]
    *[[Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Generations]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate]]
    *[[Monster Hunter: World]]
    *[[Monster Hunter World: Iceborne]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Rise]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Wilds]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Frontier]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 2.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 3.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 4.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 5.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 6.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 7.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 8.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 9.0]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Season 10]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.1]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.2]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.3]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.4]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Forward.5]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G2]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G3]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G Genuine]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G5]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G6]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G7]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G8]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G9]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier G10]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Z]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Frontier Z Zenith]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Stories]]
    *[[Monstie Drop Monster Hunter Stories]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Riders]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin]]
    *Monster Hunter Mobile Minigames
    **[[Monster Hunter i]]
    **[[Monster Hunter: Phantom Island Voyage]]
    **[[Airu no Hirameki Dasshutsu Game]]
    *Monster Hunter Card Games
    **[[Monster Hunter Trading Card Game]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Hunting Card]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Stories Ride On Card Game]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Roar of Cards]]
    **[[Minna to MonHan Card Master]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Spirits]]
    **[[Monster Hunter Spirits 2]]
    *[[MH Diary: Poka Poka Felyne Village]]
    **[[MH Diary: Mobile Felyne Village]]
    **[[MH Diary: Poka Poka Felyne Village G]]
    **[[Felyne Puzzle]]
    **[[MH Diary: Poka Poka Felyne Village DX]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunting]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Massive Hunting]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Online]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Big Game Hunting Quest]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Mezeporta Reclamation]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Explore]]
    *[[Pachislot: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite]]
    *[[Pachislot: Monster Hunter Thunderclap in the Moonlight]]
    *[[Pachinko: Monster Hunter 4]]
    *[[Pachislot: Monster Hunter: World]]
    *[[Pachislot: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Now]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Puzzles: Felyne Isles]]
    *Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
    *Puzzle & Dragons
    *Puzzle & Dragons X
    *Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
    *Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS (via armor)
    *Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
    *Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
    *Gyakuten Othellonia
    *Dragalia Lost
    *Dragon Quest of the Stars
    *Street Fighter 6
    *RAID: Shadow Legends (via armor & crossover trailer)
    *Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis
    ===Other Media===
    *[[Monster Hunter Orage]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Flash Hunter]]
    *[[USJ: Monster Hunter Real]]
    *[[Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On]]
    *[[Monster Hunter (2020 Movie)]]
    ==Information from Printed Media==
    {{Notice|For printed media that was never officially localized into English, fan translations have been used and they may include errors. If you can read Japanese and would like to improve this wiki please message yuzucchinyan on Discord.}}
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    ===Title of Printed Media===
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    From Pages X-Y: Summary of the information about this monster from this media.
    ==Other Languages==
    |Japanese=リオレウス (rioreusu) <br/> 火竜 (hiryū)
    |Korean=리오레우스 (liole-useu) <br/> 화룡 (hwalyong)
    |Spanish=Wyvern de Fuego
    {{Monster Notes
    |General Notes =
    *Its head, back, and wings (individual) can be broken, and its tail severed.
    *Rathalos is the flagship monster for the entire series.
    **Rathalos has appeared in every single game in the series (save for some minor spinoffs), alongside [[Rathian]], [[Kelbi]] and the [[Felyne|Felynes]].
    *Rathalos received a modern redesign in [[Monster Hunter 3]] that remains current for all future titles. The same is true for its relatives such as Azure Rathalos and Rathian.
    **All species of the Rathalos/Rathian race also gained a new roar in [[Monster Hunter: World]]. Only in some spinoffs such as [[Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin]] are their old roars reused.
    **As a playable entity in [[TEPPEN]], [[Dragalia Lost]], [[Puzzle & Dragons]] and [[Arknights]].
    *Rathalos, [[Lagiacrus]], and [[Estrellian]] are the only flagships to have area themes play rather than unique themes. However, Rathalos is often associated with his debut location (and its theme), [[Forest and Hills]].
    **Monster Hunter Online is exempt from this, where Forest and Hills music always plays for Rathalos, Azure Rathalos, and Silver Rathalos.
    *Rathalos ranked 21st place in the Top Monster competition during Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary, just short of the congratulated top 20.<ref></ref>
    |Monster Hunter Rise Notes =
    *Rathalos can appear in the [[Rampage]], where it is considered a [[Targetter]].
    *Rathalos gains an attack where he breathes a wall of flames while flying forward.
    *To strike airborne targets, Rathalos can shoot fireballs upwards. He will also fly and ascend to his target's height to attack more.
    *Rathalos first appeared in the second Rise trailer, "The Game Awards 2020 Trailer." He appears in a Rampage cutscene that was never released to the actual game.
    |Monster Hunter Stories 2 Notes =
    *Breaking Rathalos' wings while its flying will Down him for the current turn and next turn.
    *Like most flying monsters, Rathalos is eligible for Air Showdown duels.
    *Rathalos and its eggs are only found after the [[Oltura|final boss]] is defeated, since it preys on Rathalos and made its local population go missing.
    *While most monsters have minor color changes from elemental mutation, a Dragon-mutated Rathalos has severely darker crimson scales. (Easier seen at level 1)
    |Miscellaneous Notes =
    *Rathalos has appeared in many franchise crossovers:
    **As a special boss in [[Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker]], [[Final Fantasy XIV]], [[Arknights]], and [[Super Smash Bros. Ultimate]].
    **As an armor set in [[Super Smash Bros for Wii U]] and [[Sonic Frontiers]].
    *Rathalos is a boss in [[Monster Hunter Puzzles: Felyne Isles]]. He will set a couple of spaces on fire, and matching next to them will extinguish them.
    **Rathalos also appears as the 2nd tutorial level, to introduce bosses.
    	<references />
    20th-Rathalos Render.png|MHRise Render
    2ndGen-Rathalos Render.png|MHF2 Render