Twin Chainsaws

From MHWiki
Twin Chainsaws
한국어 트윈체인소
Español Duosierra mecánica
Français Scies jumelles
Deutsch Zwillingskettensägen
Italiano Motoseghe doppie

The Twin Chainsaws, also known as the Prototype Saw-Slicer or Guillotines is a series of Dual Blades introduced in Monster Hunter.

Highly mechanical swords with a sharp chain running along its edge, combines the sturdyness of metal with the ingenuity of monster parts, uses thunder-charged parts to generate sparks and Rubbery Hide for internal shielding.

Game Data


Prototype Saw-Slicer

All the wisdom of the Iron and Bone Elders rolled into a set of Dual Swords.

Prototype Saw-Slicer
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 224 (160) 120 -
Crafting Materials
Materials Gold Ticket x3
Dragonite Ore x25
Kirin Horn x2
Rubbery Hide x10
Price 5880z
Upgrades Into
Other Languages
한국어 공방합작품【거참】
Español Cortador-sierra prot
Français Proto Tranche-coupe
Deutsch Proto-Sägeschneide
Italiano Prototipo Segaffetta


The ultimate Saw-Slicer. "Before one of these, even a wyvern will turn tail!"

Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
4 266 (190) 180 -
Upgrades From Prototype Saw-Slicer
Materials Kirin Horn x18
Electro Sac x10
Union Ore x20
Price 10260z
Other Languages
한국어 길로틴
Español Guillotina
Français Guillotine
Deutsch Guillotine
Italiano Ghigliottina

Prototype Saw-Slicer Path

Prototype Saw-Slicer Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Hero's Blade 3 252 (180) None
Master's Blade 3 280 (200) None
Kitchen Knife 1 112 (80) None
Iron Chefblade 1 168 (120) None
Odyssey 5 280 (200) 300
Ninja Sword 4 294 (210) None
Catspaw 1 112 (80) 180
Catburglar 1 28 (20) 300
Prototype Saw-Slicer 3 224 (160) 120
Guillotine 4 266 (190) 180

See Also