Twin Chainsaws

From MHWiki
(Redirected from Guillotine)
Twin Chainsaws
한국어 트윈체인소
Español Duosierra mecánica
Français Scies jumelles
Deutsch Zwillingskettensägen
Italiano Motoseghe doppie

The Twin Chainsaws, also known as the Prototype Saw-Slicer or Guillotines is a series of Dual Blades introduced in Monster Hunter.

Highly mechanical swords with a sharp chain running along its edge, combines the sturdyness of metal with the ingenuity of monster parts, uses thunder-charged parts to generate sparks and Rubbery Hide for internal shielding.

Game Data


Prototype Saw-Slicer

All the wisdom of the Iron and Bone Elders rolled into a set of Dual Swords.

Prototype Saw-Slicer
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 224 (160) 120 -
Crafting Materials
Materials Gold Ticket x3
Dragonite Ore x25
Kirin Horn x2
Rubbery Hide x10
Price 5880z
Upgrades Into
Other Languages
한국어 공방합작품【거참】
Español Cortador-sierra prot
Français Proto Tranche-coupe
Deutsch Proto-Sägeschneide
Italiano Prototipo Segaffetta


The ultimate Saw-Slicer. "Before one of these, even a wyvern will turn tail!"

Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
4 266 (190) 180 -
Upgrades From Prototype Saw-Slicer
Materials Kirin Horn x18
Electro Sac x10
Union Ore x20
Price 10260z
Other Languages
한국어 길로틴
Español Guillotina
Français Guillotine
Deutsch Guillotine
Italiano Ghigliottina

Prototype Saw-Slicer Path

Prototype Saw-Slicer Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Hero's Blade 3 252 (180) None
Master's Blade 3 280 (200) None
Kitchen Knife 1 112 (80) None
Iron Chefblade 1 168 (120) None
Odyssey 5 280 (200) 300
Ninja Sword 4 294 (210) None
Catspaw 1 112 (80) 180
Catburglar 1 28 (20) 300
Prototype Saw-Slicer 3 224 (160) 120
Guillotine 4 266 (190) 180

See Also