Red Tail

From MHWiki
(Redirected from Spear of Prominence)
Red Tail
한국어 렛드테일
Español Cola roja
Français Rouge-queue
Deutsch Rotschweif
Italiano Coda rossa

The Red Tail, Hellfire or Spear of Prominence is a Lance series introduced in Monster Hunter.

A lance made from Rathalos materials, the shield and hand guard are based on its tail.

Game Data


Red Tail

Spear forged from a Rathalos Tail. Small, but it spits scorching flames.

Red Tail
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 207 (90) 200 -
Upgrades From Bone Lance+
Materials Rathalos Tail x1
Rathalos Shell x2
Flame Sac x1
Price 4050z
Upgrades Into
Red Tail+
Other Languages
한국어 렛드테일
Español Cola roja
Français Rouge-queue
Deutsch Rotschweif
Italiano Coda rossa

Red Tail+

Improved Red Tail. As strong as a wyvern's tail-attack, it spits molten flames.

Red Tail+
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 230 (100) 260 -
Upgrades From Red Tail
Materials Rathalos Shell x4
Flame Sac x2
Demondrug x1
Price 11280z
Upgrades Into
Other Languages
한국어 렛드테일 개
Español Cola roja+
Français Rouge-queue+
Deutsch Rotschweif+
Italiano Coda rossa+


The ultimate Red Tail. Uses fire-generating marrow as a material.

Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 276 (120) 340 -
Upgrades From Red Tail+
Materials Rathalos Shell x6
Wyvern Marrow x1
Mega Demondrug x1
Price 3480z
Upgrades Into
Spear of Prominence
Other Languages
한국어 헬파이어
Español Fuego del infierno
Français Feu d'enfer
Deutsch Höllenfeuer
Italiano Fuoco infernale

Spear of Prominence

Not particularly powerful, but the flames infused in it burn hotter than a volcano.

Spear of Prominence
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
4 322 (140) 340 -
Upgrades From Hellfire
Materials Rathalos Tail x10
Wyvern Marrow x5
Flame Sac x9
Price 48000z
Other Languages
한국어 프로미넌스스피어
Español Venablo prominencia
Français Épieu de proéminence
Deutsch Erhabener Speer
Italiano Asta Prominenza

Red Tail Path

Red Tail Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Bone Lance 1 161 (70) None
Bone Lance+ 1 184 (80) None
 Longhorn 1 207 (90) None
 Longhorn+ 1 230 (100) None
  Long Tusk 1 253 (110) None
   Barbarian Tusk 2 299 (130) None
   Barbarian Tusk+ 2 345 (150) None
    Barbaroi Tusk 2 391 (170) None
     Ogre Tusk 2 460 (200) None
   Crimson Lance 3 345 (150) 210
    Crimson War Pike 3 368 (160) 310
 Red Tail 3 207 (90) 200
  Red Tail+ 3 230 (100) 260
   Hellfire 3 276 (120) 340
    Spear of Prominence 4 322 (140) 340

See Also