Crimson Lance

From MHWiki
Crimson Lance
한국어 크림존혼
Español Lanza carmesí
Français Lance pourpre
Deutsch Purpurlanze
Italiano Lancia cremisi

The Crimson Lance is a Lance series introduced in Monster Hunter.

A large lance carved from the horn of a Monoblos, using its spine shells for the hand guard and shield.

Game Data


Crimson Lance

As powerful as the Diablo Horn. Designed for Attack power.

Crimson Lance
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 345 (150) 210 -
Upgrades From Long Tusk
Materials Crimson Horn x1
Monoblos Spine x1
Machalite Ore x5
Price 8130z
Upgrades Into
Crimson War Pike
Other Languages
한국어 크림존혼
Español Lanza carmesí
Français Lance pourpre
Deutsch Purpurlanze
Italiano Lancia cremisi

Crimson War Pike

The ultimate Crimson Lance. Owning this spear is proof of your valor.

Crimson War Pike
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 368 (160) 310 -
Upgrades From Crimson Lance
Materials Crimson Horn x1
Monoblos Spine x2
Flame Sac x3
Price 15840z
Other Languages
한국어 크림존브로스
Español Pica guerra carmesí
Français Pique écarlate
Deutsch Purpurkriegsdorn
Italiano Picca guerra cremisi

Crimson Lance Path

Crimson Lance Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Bone Lance 1 161 (70) None
Bone Lance+ 1 184 (80) None
 Longhorn 1 207 (90) None
 Longhorn+ 1 230 (100) None
  Long Tusk 1 253 (110) None
   Barbarian Tusk 2 299 (130) None
   Barbarian Tusk+ 2 345 (150) None
    Barbaroi Tusk 2 391 (170) None
     Ogre Tusk 2 460 (200) None
   Crimson Lance 3 345 (150) 210
    Crimson War Pike 3 368 (160) 310
 Red Tail 3 207 (90) 200
  Red Tail+ 3 230 (100) 260
   Hellfire 3 276 (120) 340
    Spear of Prominence 4 322 (140) 340

See Also