Hydra Bite

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Hydra Bite
한국어 하이드라바이트
Español Mordedura de Hydra
Français Croc d'hydre
Deutsch Hydrabiss
Italiano Morso di Idra

The Hydra Bite, also known as the Deadly Poison is a Sword and Shield series introduced in Monster Hunter.

A one-handed sword that can inflict the poison ailment on targets by using Ioprey Fangs. Due to their weakness to poison, this weapon is often used to hunt Neopterons such as Vespoid, many novice hunters make a living on Monster Fluid extracted from these monsters.

Game Data


Hydra Bite

Bonecraft adds an elemental effect. Releases a deadly poison when you attack.

Hydra Bite
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 84 (60) 200 -
Upgrades From Serpent Bite+
Materials Sm Monster Bone x3
Ioprey Fang x15
Ioprey Hide x5
Price 9420z
Upgrades Into
Hydra Bite+
Other Languages
한국어 하이드라바이트
Español Mordedura de Hydra
Français Croc d'hydre
Deutsch Hydrabiss
Italiano Morso di Idra

Hydra Bite+

Improved Hydra Bite. Its lethality derives from its use of a Poison Sac.

Hydra Bite+
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 126 (90) 280 -
Upgrades From Hydra Bite
Materials Med Monster Bone x1
Ioprey Fang x10
Poison Sac x1
Price 9900z
Upgrades Into
Deadly Poison
Other Languages
한국어 하이드라바이트 개
Español Mordedura de Hydra+
Français Croc d'hydre+
Deutsch Hydrabiss+
Italiano Morso di Idra+

Deadly Poison

The ultimate Hydra Bite. Uses only the choicest and most toxic fangs.

Deadly Poison
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 126 (90) 280 -
Upgrades From Hydra Bite+
Materials Ioprey Fang x5
Poison Sac x3
Monster Fluid x2
Price 37740z
Other Languages
한국어 데들리포이즌
Español Veneno mortal
Français Poison mortel
Deutsch Tödliches Gift
Italiano Veleno mortale

Hydra Bite Path

Hydra Bite Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Hunter's Knife 1 84 (60) None
Hunter's Knife+ 1 112 (80) None
 Hunter's Dagger 1 140 (100) None
 Hunter's Dagger+ 1 168 (120) None
  Assassin's Dagger 1 196 (140) None
   Poison Axe 3 224 (160) 180
   Poison Battleaxe 3 238 (170) 260
   Twin Dagger 2 98 (70) None
    Twin Dagger+ 2 112 (80) None
     Hurricane 2 140 (100) None
      Hurricane+ 2 182 (130) None
       Cyclone 3 238 (170) None
 Serpent Bite 2 140 (100) None
  Serpent Bite+ 2 168 (120) None
   Viper Bite 3 182 (130) 180
   Viper Bite+ 3 196 (140) 220
    Deathprize 3 210 (150) 260
   Hydra Bite 3 84 (60) 200
    Hydra Bite+ 3 126 (90) 280
     Deadly Poison 3 168 (120) 360

See Also