
From MHWiki
Title Mud Piscine
Introduced MHWorld
Classification Piscine Wyvern
Average Dimensions
Length 15.09 m
Height 5.55 m
Foot Size 1.92 m
Links to each locale it appears in
Order Unknown
Suborder Unknown
Infraorder Unknown
Superfamily Unknown
Family Unknown

The Mud Piscine Jyuratodus (ジュラトドス, juratodosu) is a piscine wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter World.

Physiology and Abilities


Monster Hunter Now
Characteristics: A piscine wyvern that makes its habitat in muddy swamps. It has a tendency to use mud as a means by which to both camouflage itself and hunt with.
It is believed that they coat themselves with mud in order to restore moisture to their scales, which grow brittle and inhibit cutaneous respiration when dehydrated.
Exercise caution should you come across the mud which Jyuratodus spits out, as its high viscosity can easily restrict body movement.

Useful Information: Though the hardened mud that cakes its body renders attacks ineffective, this dirt can be scrubbed away using water-element weapons.
It relentlessly uses mud to its advantage by flinging or spitting it, as well as diving and lunging from within it, so try whittling down its stamina with attacks, or breaking its body parts in order to keep it above ground. Its head is its weak point.

Habitat: Swamp

Game Data

Information from Printed Media

Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works

From Pages 222-225:
Full length: approximately 1508.71 cm
Full height: approximately 554.6 cm
Foot size: approximately 192 cm
Known habitat: Wildspire Waste

Jyuratodus spends most of its time submerged in marshland waters, surrounded by mud that it uses for many purposes. It covers itself in mud for protection and to keep its scales moist enough for cutaneous respiration. It mixes ingested mud with a fluid from its water sac to produce an especially viscous solution that it can expel to limit the mobility of enemies. It even uses mud piles to mark its territory, though these markers can be destroyed by competing Barroths, triggering conflict between the similar strength monsters. This reliance on mud is likely why Jyuratodus is fiercely territorial of its marshland home, using the terrain to its advantage against intruders.

Though Jyuratodus is obviously well-suited to life submerged in the marsh, with many fins to aid in propulsion and adjusting buoyancy. Two of its fins have also adapted into powerful hind legs that also allow it to walk on land... albeit awkwardly, forcing it to use its other fins to maintain balance. Fossils of ancient Piscine Wyverns reveal that Jyuratodus has likely maintained this body structure for a very long time.

Jyuratodus feeds roughly once per day on Aptonoth or other herbivorous wyverns near the waters edge. It can even hunt Apceros when walking on land. It uses its powerful jaws and rows of tearing fangs to kill prey, crack open their bones, and feast primarily on their organs. This dietary preference may stem from their juvenile stage, when they enter prey through any open orifice and devour it from the inside out. Jyuratodus' barbed gills are believed to be remnants from its juvenile form, where they helped prevent it from being expelled from its prey's body. They are born primarily during turbulent rainy seasons, when both male and female Jyuratodus release their gametes into the marshland, causing the surface of the water to undulate. Fertilization tends to be successful, but few Jyuratodus survive to adulthood due to a combination of predation and cannibalism.

Developer's Note: Jyuratodus was designed to be the "Lord of the Wetlands", pulling players deeper into the map and using the terrain to its advantage. Though it reduces player mobility, the developers wanted to give players options for avoiding this, like standing on the islands in the marshland or destroying the mud mounds Jyuratodus creates (sometimes with the help of Barroth). It was designed to have an ancient aesthetic with a plain silhouette.

Other Languages

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Español Monster name in spanish
Monster title in spanish
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Trivia/short notes about the monster 


Monster List
Sixth Generation BaunosBulaqchiCeratonothDalthydonGajiosSeikretTalioth
BalaharaChatacabraDoshagumaLala BarinaRey Dau
Fifth Generation BarnosBoaboaBoggiBombadgyCanyneCortosGajalakaGajauGastodonGirrosGowngoatGrimalkyneIzuchiJagrasKestodonMernosNoiosPyrantulaRachnoidRaphinosShamosWulg
Acidic GlavenusAknosomAlmudronMagma AlmudronAnjanathFulgur AnjanathApex ArzurosApex DiablosApex RathalosApex RathianApex MizutsuneApex ZinogreBanbaroBazelgeuseSeething BazelgeuseBeotodusBishatenBlood Orange BishatenDodogamaEspinasFlaming EspinasFrostfang BariothGarangolmGoss HaragGreat GirrosGreat IzuchiGreat JagrasJyuratodusKulu-Ya-KuLegianaShrieking LegianaLeshenAncient LeshenLunagaronMagnamaloScorned MagnamaloOdogaronEbony OdogaronPaolumuNightshade PaolumuPukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-PukeiRadobaanRakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-KadakiScarred Yian GarugaSomnacanthAurora SomnacanthTetranadonTobi-KadachiViper Tobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuViolet Mizutsune
BehemothCrimson Glow ValstraxGaismagormKulve TarothMalzenoPrimordial MalzenoNamielleNergiganteRuiner NergiganteRisen ChameleosRisen Crimson Glow ValstraxRisen Kushala DaoraRisen TeostraSafi'jiivaShara IshvaldaThunder Serpent NarwaNarwa the AllmotherVaal HazakBlackveil Vaal HazakVelkhanaWind Serpent IbushiXeno'jiivaZorah Magdaros
Fourth Generation KonchuLarinothMaccaoMoofahZamite
Ahtal-KaAstalosBoltreaver AstalosBloodbath DiablosCrystalbeard UragaanDeadeye Yian GarugaDreadking RathalosDreadqueen RathianGammothElderfrost GammothGlavenusHellblade GlavenusGore MagalaChaotic Gore MagalaGreat MaccaoGrimclaw TigrexKecha WachaAsh Kecha WachaMalfestioNightcloak MalfestioMizutsuneSoulseer MizutsuneMolten TigrexNajaralaTidal NajaralaNerscyllaShrouded NerscyllaRaging BrachydiosRedhelm ArzurosRuby BasariosRustrazor CeanataurSeltasDesert SeltasSeltas QueenDesert Seltas QueenSeregiosSilverwind NargacugaSnowbaron LagombiStonefist HermitaurTetsucabraBerserk TetsucabraDrilltusk TetsucabraThunderlord ZinogreZamtriosTigerstripe Zamtrios
Dah'ren MohranDalamadurShah DalamadurGogmaziosNakarkosOroshi KirinShagaru MagalaValstrax
Third Generation AltarothBaggiBnahabraDelexEpiothFishGargwaGiggiJaggiJaggiaLudrothRhenoplosSlagtothUroktorWroggi
AgnaktorGlacial AgnaktorArzurosBariothSand BariothBarrothJade BarrothBrachydiosBrute TigrexDeviljhoSavage DeviljhoDuramborosRust DuramborosGigginoxBaleful GigginoxGobulGreat BaggiGreat JaggiGreat WroggiGreen NargacugaLucent NargacugaLagiacrusIvory LagiacrusAbyssal LagiacrusLagombiNibelsnarfQurupecoCrimson QurupecoRoyal LudrothPurple LudrothUragaanSteel UragaanVolvidonZinogreStygian Zinogre
AlatreonAmatsuCeadeusGoldbeard CeadeusDire MiralisJhen MohranHallowed Jhen Mohran
Second Generation AntekaBlangoCeanataurCongaGiapreyGreat ThunderbugHermitaurPopoRemobraShakalaka
AkantorBlangongaCopper BlangongaBulldromeCongalalaEmerald CongalalaDaimyo HermitaurPlum Daimyo HermitaurGiadromeHypnocatriceKing ShakalakaLavasiothNargacugaRajangFurious RajangShen GaorenShogun CeanataurTerra Shogun CeanataurTigrexUkanlosVespoid Queen
ChameleosKushala DaoraRusted Kushala DaoraLunastraTeostraWhite FatalisYama Tsukami
First Generation ApcerosAptonothBullfangoCephalosFelyneGenpreyHornetaurIopreyKelbiMelynxMosswineVelocipreyWhite VelocipreyVespoid
BasariosCephadromeDiablosBlack DiablosGendromeGraviosBlack GraviosGypcerosPurple GypcerosIodromeKhezuRed KhezuMonoblosWhite MonoblosPlesiothGreen PlesiothRathalosAzure RathalosSilver RathalosRathianPink RathianGold RathianVelocidromeYian GarugaYian Kut-KuBlue Yian Kut-Ku
KirinLao-Shan LungAshen Lao-Shan LungFatalisCrimson Fatalis
Stories Generation Aptonoth EXGreat Dracophage BugUroktor EX
Agnaktor EXBarroth EXEponaGreat PoogieKumashiraKurenai GoukamiTigrex EX
Uragaan EX
Makili PietruOlturaVersa Pietru
Frontier Generation BurukkuEgyurasuErupeHalkKusubamiPokaraUruki
AbioruguGiaoruguZenith GiaoruguAkura VashimuZenith Akura VashimuAkura JebiaAnorupatisuZenith AnorupatisuAruganosuBarlagualZenith BarlagualBerukyurosuDoragyurosuZenith DoragyurosuBlinking NargacugaBogabadorumuBombardier BogabadorumuBreeding Season HypnocatriceSilver HypnocatriceZenith HypnocatriceDiorekkusuDuremudiraArrogant DuremudiraDyuragauaEspinas Rare SpeciesMeraginasuZenith EspinasFarunokkuForokururuGasurabazuraZenith GasurabazuraGogomoaGoruganosuGureadomosuGurenzeburuHowling ZinogreHyujikikiZenith HyujikikiKamu OrugaronKuarusepusuLavasioth SubspeciesLavienteViolent LavienteBerserk LavienteLolo GougarfMi RuMysterious Mi RuMidogaronZenith MidogaronNono OrugaronOdibatorasuPariapuriaThirsty PariapuriaZenith PlesiothPoborubarumuPokaradonRay GougarfStarving DeviljhoFour Heavenly King DeviljhoTaikun ZamuzaZenith Taikun ZamuzaToridclessZenith ToridclessUnknownVarusaburosuVoljangZenaserisuZenith BlangongaZenith Daimyo HermitaurZenith GraviosZenith KhezuZenith RathalosZenith TigrexZerureusuSparkling Zerureusu
DisufiroaEruzerionBurning Freezing EruzerionGaruba DaoraGuanzorumuRuler GuanzorumuHarudomeruguZenith HarudomeruguInagamiZenith InagamiKeoaruboruRukodioraRebidioraZenith RukodioraShantienToa TesukatoraYama Kurai
Online Generation BaelidaeDread BaelidaeCaeserberYellow CaeserberGhost CaeserberChramine
Ice ChramineConflagration RathianCrystal BasariosSandstone BasariosDisaster Wyvern
Elemental BulldromeEstrellianDoom EstrellianArbiter EstrellianFlame Blangonga
Flame TigrexGold CongalalaGold HypnocatriceGonngenn HermitaurGuren Shen Gaoren
Teppeki Shen GaorenLightennaPoikilos LightennaOne-Eared Yian Garuga
Shattered MonoblosSlicemarglPurple SlicemarglSwordmaster Shogun CeanataurOnimusha
MerphistophelinElemental MerphistophelinTartaronisInfernal Tartaronis
Explore ApyposThanksalot BnahabraFestive FelyneGoruruGreat GoruruFestive Melynx
MetaruGreat Metaru
Purgatory AgnaktorFrozen BariothThanksalot BarrothUnit-01 BrachydiosIceblast BrachydiosAberrant DeviljhoGilded DiablosSteel Armor DiablosExplosive Peak Duramboros
Virulent GigginoxYoga GigginoxWitch GobulTenth Angel Gore MagalaGreat ApyposLandconquest Lagiacrus
Witch LagombiThunderbubble MizutsuneFiercewater NargacugaSeabream Plesioth
Whitewater PlesiothScorching Heat RathianDestruction Wyvern RathalosFlame Rathalos
Enma RajangDemonic SeregiosUnit-02 TigrexSweet Tooth TigrexPumpkin UragaanB.O.W. UragaanShiningrock UragaanWatermelon UragaanRotten Uragaan
Black Star Beast VolvidonChristmas VolvidonImmortal ZinogreFFBE Zinogre
Eo GarudiaThunder Emperor KirinMorudomuntoNef-Garmat
Orage Delma-IopreyNaco AgulGilkuza
Myo Galuna