Template:MonsterListBox: Difference between revisions

From MHWiki
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(Added missing monster links. Might reorganise this template completely at a later date)
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| [[Barnos]] • [[Boaboa]] • [[Boggi]] • [[Bombadgy]] • [[Canyne]] • [[Cortos]] • [[Gajalaka]] • [[Gajau]] • [[Gastodon]] • [[Girros]] • [[Gowngoat]] • [[Grimalkyne]] • [[Izuchi]] • [[Jagras]] • [[Kestodon]] • [[Mernos]] • [[Noios]] • [[Pyrantula]] • [[Rachnoid]] • [[Raphinos]] • [[Shamos]] • [[Wulg]]<br/>[[Acidic Glavenus]] • [[Aknosom]] • [[Almudron]] • [[Magma Almudron]] • [[Anjanath]] • [[Fulgur Anjanath]] • [[Apex Arzuros]] • [[Apex Diablos]] • [[Apex Rathalos]] • [[Apex Rathian]] • [[Apex Mizutsune]] • [[Apex Zinogre]] • [[Banbaro]] • [[Bazelgeuse]] • [[Seething Bazelgeuse]] • [[Beotodus]] • [[Bishaten]] • [[Blood Orange Bishaten]] • [[Dodogama]] • [[Espinas]] • [[Flaming Espinas]] • [[Frostfang Barioth]] • [[Garangolm]] • [[Goss Harag]] • [[Great Girros]] • [[Great Izuchi]] • [[Great Jagras]] • [[Jyuratodus]] • [[Kulu-Ya-Ku]] • [[Legiana]] • [[Shrieking Legiana]] • [[Leshen]] • [[Ancient Leshen]] • [[Lunagaron]] • [[Magnamalo]] • [[Scorned Magnamalo]] • [[Odogaron]] • [[Ebony Odogaron]] • [[Paolumu]] • [[Nightshade Paolumu]] • [[Pukei-Pukei]] • [[Coral Pukei-Pukei]] • [[Radobaan]] • [[Rakna-Kadaki]] • [[Pyre Rakna-Kadaki]] • [[Scarred Yian Garuga]] • [[Somnacanth]] • [[Aurora Somnacanth]] • [[Tetranadon]] • [[Tobi-Kadachi]] • [[Viper Tobi-Kadachi]] • [[Tzitzi-Ya-Ku]] • [[Violet Mizutsune]]<br/>[[Behemoth]] • [[Crimson Glow Valstrax]] • [[Gaismagorm]] • [[Kulve Taroth]] • [[Malzeno]] • [[Primordial Malzeno]] • [[Namielle]] • [[Nergigante]] • [[Ruiner Nergigante]] • [[Risen Chameleos]] • [[Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax]] • [[Risen Kushala Daora]] • [[Risen Teostra]] • [[Safi'jiiva]] • [[Shara Ishvalda]] • [[Thunder Serpent Narwa]] • [[Narwa the Allmother]] • [[Vaal Hazak]] • [[Blackveil Vaal Hazak]] • [[Velkhana]] • [[Wind Serpent Ibushi]] • [[Xeno'jiiva]] • [[Zorah Magdaros]]
| [[Barnos]] • [[Boaboa]] • [[Boggi]] • [[Bombadgy]] • [[Canyne]] • [[Cortos]] • [[Gajalaka]] • [[Gajau]] • [[Gastodon]] • [[Girros]] • [[Gowngoat]] • [[Grimalkyne]] • [[Izuchi]] • [[Jagras]] • [[Kestodon]] • [[Mernos]] • [[Noios]] • [[Pyrantula]] • [[Rachnoid]] • [[Raphinos]] • [[Shamos]] • [[Wulg]]<br/>[[Acidic Glavenus]] • [[Aknosom]] • [[Almudron]] • [[Magma Almudron]] • [[Anjanath]] • [[Fulgur Anjanath]] • [[Apex Arzuros]] • [[Apex Diablos]] • [[Apex Rathalos]] • [[Apex Rathian]] • [[Apex Mizutsune]] • [[Apex Zinogre]] • [[Banbaro]] • [[Bazelgeuse]] • [[Seething Bazelgeuse]] • [[Beotodus]] • [[Bishaten]] • [[Blood Orange Bishaten]] • [[Dodogama]] • [[Espinas]] • [[Flaming Espinas]] • [[Frostfang Barioth]] • [[Garangolm]] • [[Goss Harag]] • [[Great Girros]] • [[Great Izuchi]] • [[Great Jagras]] • [[Jyuratodus]] • [[Kulu-Ya-Ku]] • [[Legiana]] • [[Shrieking Legiana]] • [[Leshen]] • [[Ancient Leshen]] • [[Lunagaron]] • [[Magnamalo]] • [[Scorned Magnamalo]] • [[Odogaron]] • [[Ebony Odogaron]] • [[Paolumu]] • [[Nightshade Paolumu]] • [[Pukei-Pukei]] • [[Coral Pukei-Pukei]] • [[Radobaan]] • [[Rakna-Kadaki]] • [[Pyre Rakna-Kadaki]] • [[Scarred Yian Garuga]] • [[Somnacanth]] • [[Aurora Somnacanth]] • [[Tetranadon]] • [[Tobi-Kadachi]] • [[Viper Tobi-Kadachi]] • [[Tzitzi-Ya-Ku]] • [[Violet Mizutsune]]<br/>[[Behemoth]] • [[Crimson Glow Valstrax]] • [[Gaismagorm]] • [[Kulve Taroth]] • [[Malzeno]] • [[Primordial Malzeno]] • [[Namielle]] • [[Nergigante]] • [[Ruiner Nergigante]] • [[Risen Chameleos]] • [[Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax]] • [[Risen Kushala Daora]] • [[Risen Teostra]] • [[Safi'jiiva]] • [[Shara Ishvalda]] • [[Thunder Serpent Narwa]] • [[Narwa the Allmother]] • [[Vaal Hazak]] • [[Blackveil Vaal Hazak]] • [[Velkhana]] • [[Wind Serpent Ibushi]] • [[Xeno'jiiva]] • [[Zorah Magdaros]]
! rowspan="3" | [[First Generation]]
! [[Fourth Generation]]
| [[Konchu]] • [[Larinoth]] • [[Maccao]] • [[Moofah]] • [[Zamite]]<br />[[Ahtal-Ka]] • [[Astalos]] • [[Boltreaver Astalos]] • [[Bloodbath Diablos]] • [[Crystalbeard Uragaan]] • [[Deadeye Yian Garuga]] • [[Dreadking Rathalos]] • [[Dreadqueen Rathian]] • [[Gammoth]] • [[Elderfrost Gammoth]] • [[Glavenus]] • [[Hellblade Glavenus]] • [[Gore Magala]] • [[Chaotic Gore Magala]] • [[Great Maccao]] • [[Grimclaw Tigrex]] • [[Kecha Wacha]] • [[Ash Kecha Wacha]] • [[Malfestio]] • [[Nightcloak Malfestio]] • [[Mizutsune]] • [[Soulseer Mizutsune]] • [[Molten Tigrex]] • [[Najarala]] • [[Tidal Najarala]] • [[Nerscylla]] • [[Shrouded Nerscylla]] • [[Raging Brachydios]] • [[Redhelm Arzuros]] • [[Ruby Basarios]] • [[Rustrazor Ceanataur]] • [[Seltas]] • [[Desert Seltas]] • [[Seltas Queen]] • [[Desert Seltas Queen]] • [[Seregios]] • [[Silverwind Nargacuga]] • [[Snowbaron Lagombi]] • [[Stonefist Hermitaur]] • [[Tetsucabra]] • [[Berserk Tetsucabra]] • [[Drilltusk Tetsucabra]] • [[Thunderlord Zinogre]] • [[Zamtrios]] • [[Tigerstripe Zamtrios]]<br />[[Dah'ren Mohran]] • [[Dalamadur]] • [[Shah Dalamadur]] • [[Gogmazios]] • [[Nakarkos]] • [[Oroshi Kirin]] • [[Shagaru Magala]] • [[Valstrax]]
! [[Third Generation]]
| [[Altaroth]] • [[Baggi]] • [[Bnahabra]] • [[Delex]] • [[Epioth]] • [[Fish]] • [[Gargwa]] • [[Giggi]] • [[Jaggi]] • [[Jaggia]] • [[Ludroth]] • [[Rhenoplos]] • [[Slagtoth]] • [[Uroktor]] • [[Wroggi]]<br />[[Agnaktor]] • [[Glacial Agnaktor]] • [[Arzuros]] • [[Barioth]] • [[Sand Barioth]] • [[Barroth]] • [[Jade Barroth]] • [[Brachydios]] • [[Brute Tigrex]] • [[Deviljho]] • [[Savage Deviljho]] • [[Duramboros]] • [[Rust Duramboros]] • [[Gigginox]] • [[Baleful Gigginox]] • [[Gobul]] • [[Great Baggi]] • [[Great Jaggi]] • [[Great Wroggi]] • [[Green Nargacuga]] • [[Lucent Nargacuga]] • [[Lagiacrus]] • [[Ivory Lagiacrus]] • [[Abyssal Lagiacrus]] • [[Lagombi]] • [[Nibelsnarf]] • [[Qurupeco]] • [[Crimson Qurupeco]] • [[Royal Ludroth]] • [[Purple Ludroth]] • [[Uragaan]] • [[Steel Uragaan]] • [[Volvidon]] • [[Zinogre]] • [[Stygian Zinogre]]<br />[[Alatreon]] • [[Amatsu]] • [[Ceadeus]] • [[Goldbeard Ceadeus]] • [[Dire Miralis]] • [[Jhen Mohran]] • [[Hallowed Jhen Mohran]]
! [[Second Generation]]
| [[Anteka]] • [[Blango]] • [[Ceanataur]] • [[Conga]] • [[Giaprey]] • [[Great Thunderbug]] • [[Hermitaur]] • [[Popo]] • [[Remobra]] • [[Shakalaka]]<br />[[Akantor]] • [[Blangonga]] • [[Copper Blangonga]] • [[Bulldrome]] • [[Congalala]] • [[Emerald Congalala]] • [[Daimyo Hermitaur]] • [[Plum Daimyo Hermitaur]] • [[Giadrome]] • [[Hypnocatrice]] • [[King Shakalaka]] • [[Lavasioth]] • [[Nargacuga]] • [[Rajang]] • [[Furious Rajang]] • [[Shen Gaoren]] • [[Shogun Ceanataur]] • [[Terra Shogun Ceanataur]] • [[Tigrex]] • [[Ukanlos]] • [[Vespoid Queen]]<br />[[Chameleos]] • [[Kushala Daora]] • [[Rusted Kushala Daora]] • [[Lunastra]] • [[Teostra]] • [[White Fatalis]] • [[Yama Tsukami]]
! [[First Generation]]
| [[Apceros]] • [[Aptonoth]] • [[Bullfango]] • [[Cephalos]] • [[Felyne]] • [[Genprey]] • [[Hornetaur]] • [[Ioprey]] • [[Kelbi]] • [[Melynx]] • [[Mosswine]] • [[Velociprey]] • [[White Velociprey]] • [[Vespoid]]<br/>[[Basarios]] • [[Cephadrome]] • [[Diablos]] • [[Black Diablos]] • [[Gendrome]] • [[Gravios]] • [[Black Gravios]] • [[Gypceros]] • [[Purple Gypceros]] • [[Iodrome]] • [[Khezu]] • [[Red Khezu]] • [[Monoblos]] • [[White Monoblos]] • [[Plesioth]] • [[Green Plesioth]] • [[Rathalos]] • [[Azure Rathalos]] • [[Silver Rathalos]] • [[Rathian]] • [[Pink Rathian]] • [[Gold Rathian]] • [[Velocidrome]] • [[Yian Garuga]] • [[Yian Kut-Ku]] • [[Blue Yian Kut-Ku]]<br/>[[Kirin]] • [[Lao-Shan Lung]] • [[Ashen Lao-Shan Lung]] • [[Fatalis]] • [[Crimson Fatalis]]
| [[Apceros]] • [[Aptonoth]] • [[Bullfango]] • [[Cephalos]] • [[Felyne]] • [[Genprey]] • [[Hornetaur]] • [[Ioprey]] • [[Kelbi]] • [[Melynx]] • [[Mosswine]] • [[Velociprey]] • [[White Velociprey]] • [[Vespoid]]<br/>[[Basarios]] • [[Cephadrome]] • [[Diablos]] • [[Black Diablos]] • [[Gendrome]] • [[Gravios]] • [[Black Gravios]] • [[Gypceros]] • [[Purple Gypceros]] • [[Iodrome]] • [[Khezu]] • [[Red Khezu]] • [[Monoblos]] • [[White Monoblos]] • [[Plesioth]] • [[Green Plesioth]] • [[Rathalos]] • [[Azure Rathalos]] • [[Silver Rathalos]] • [[Rathian]] • [[Pink Rathian]] • [[Gold Rathian]] • [[Velocidrome]] • [[Yian Garuga]] • [[Yian Kut-Ku]] • [[Blue Yian Kut-Ku]]<br/>[[Kirin]] • [[Lao-Shan Lung]] • [[Ashen Lao-Shan Lung]] • [[Fatalis]] • [[Crimson Fatalis]]
|}<noinclude>[[Category:Navigation Templates]]</noinclude>
|}<noinclude>[[Category:Navigation Templates]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 04:03, 30 April 2024

Monster List
Fifth Generation BarnosBoaboaBoggiBombadgyCanyneCortosGajalakaGajauGastodonGirrosGowngoatGrimalkyneIzuchiJagrasKestodonMernosNoiosPyrantulaRachnoidRaphinosShamosWulg
Acidic GlavenusAknosomAlmudronMagma AlmudronAnjanathFulgur AnjanathApex ArzurosApex DiablosApex RathalosApex RathianApex MizutsuneApex ZinogreBanbaroBazelgeuseSeething BazelgeuseBeotodusBishatenBlood Orange BishatenDodogamaEspinasFlaming EspinasFrostfang BariothGarangolmGoss HaragGreat GirrosGreat IzuchiGreat JagrasJyuratodusKulu-Ya-KuLegianaShrieking LegianaLeshenAncient LeshenLunagaronMagnamaloScorned MagnamaloOdogaronEbony OdogaronPaolumuNightshade PaolumuPukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-PukeiRadobaanRakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-KadakiScarred Yian GarugaSomnacanthAurora SomnacanthTetranadonTobi-KadachiViper Tobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuViolet Mizutsune
BehemothCrimson Glow ValstraxGaismagormKulve TarothMalzenoPrimordial MalzenoNamielleNergiganteRuiner NergiganteRisen ChameleosRisen Crimson Glow ValstraxRisen Kushala DaoraRisen TeostraSafi'jiivaShara IshvaldaThunder Serpent NarwaNarwa the AllmotherVaal HazakBlackveil Vaal HazakVelkhanaWind Serpent IbushiXeno'jiivaZorah Magdaros
Fourth Generation KonchuLarinothMaccaoMoofahZamite
Ahtal-KaAstalosBoltreaver AstalosBloodbath DiablosCrystalbeard UragaanDeadeye Yian GarugaDreadking RathalosDreadqueen RathianGammothElderfrost GammothGlavenusHellblade GlavenusGore MagalaChaotic Gore MagalaGreat MaccaoGrimclaw TigrexKecha WachaAsh Kecha WachaMalfestioNightcloak MalfestioMizutsuneSoulseer MizutsuneMolten TigrexNajaralaTidal NajaralaNerscyllaShrouded NerscyllaRaging BrachydiosRedhelm ArzurosRuby BasariosRustrazor CeanataurSeltasDesert SeltasSeltas QueenDesert Seltas QueenSeregiosSilverwind NargacugaSnowbaron LagombiStonefist HermitaurTetsucabraBerserk TetsucabraDrilltusk TetsucabraThunderlord ZinogreZamtriosTigerstripe Zamtrios
Dah'ren MohranDalamadurShah DalamadurGogmaziosNakarkosOroshi KirinShagaru MagalaValstrax
Third Generation AltarothBaggiBnahabraDelexEpiothFishGargwaGiggiJaggiJaggiaLudrothRhenoplosSlagtothUroktorWroggi
AgnaktorGlacial AgnaktorArzurosBariothSand BariothBarrothJade BarrothBrachydiosBrute TigrexDeviljhoSavage DeviljhoDuramborosRust DuramborosGigginoxBaleful GigginoxGobulGreat BaggiGreat JaggiGreat WroggiGreen NargacugaLucent NargacugaLagiacrusIvory LagiacrusAbyssal LagiacrusLagombiNibelsnarfQurupecoCrimson QurupecoRoyal LudrothPurple LudrothUragaanSteel UragaanVolvidonZinogreStygian Zinogre
AlatreonAmatsuCeadeusGoldbeard CeadeusDire MiralisJhen MohranHallowed Jhen Mohran
Second Generation AntekaBlangoCeanataurCongaGiapreyGreat ThunderbugHermitaurPopoRemobraShakalaka
AkantorBlangongaCopper BlangongaBulldromeCongalalaEmerald CongalalaDaimyo HermitaurPlum Daimyo HermitaurGiadromeHypnocatriceKing ShakalakaLavasiothNargacugaRajangFurious RajangShen GaorenShogun CeanataurTerra Shogun CeanataurTigrexUkanlosVespoid Queen
ChameleosKushala DaoraRusted Kushala DaoraLunastraTeostraWhite FatalisYama Tsukami
First Generation ApcerosAptonothBullfangoCephalosFelyneGenpreyHornetaurIopreyKelbiMelynxMosswineVelocipreyWhite VelocipreyVespoid
BasariosCephadromeDiablosBlack DiablosGendromeGraviosBlack GraviosGypcerosPurple GypcerosIodromeKhezuRed KhezuMonoblosWhite MonoblosPlesiothGreen PlesiothRathalosAzure RathalosSilver RathalosRathianPink RathianGold RathianVelocidromeYian GarugaYian Kut-KuBlue Yian Kut-Ku
KirinLao-Shan LungAshen Lao-Shan LungFatalisCrimson Fatalis