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(Summarized info from Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works)
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==Information from Printed Media==
==Information from Printed Media==
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===Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works===
===Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works===

Revision as of 19:53, 2 June 2024

Title Bone Gyre Brute
Introduced MHWorld
Classification Brute Wyvern
Element Unknown
Average Dimensions
Length 18.04 m
Height 9.00 m
Foot Size 1.94 m
Links to each locale it appears in
Links to related monsters
Order Unknown
Suborder Unknown
Infraorder Unknown
Superfamily Unknown
Family Unknown
Short description of the monster 

Physiology and Abilities


Game Name Here
File:Monster Icon here.png Hunters Notes Description Here.
Threat Level: ★★★

Game Data

Information from Printed Media

Monster Hunter World: The Official Complete Works

From Pages 258-263:
Full length: approximately 1803.47 cm
Full height: approximately 899.52 cm
Foot size: approximately 194 cm
Known habitat: Rotten Vale

Radobaan lives in the Rotten Vale, but as it has no means to filter effluvium out of the air it remains in the upper areas. It is typically peaceful, doing its best to avoid conflict with the other creatures of the vale. When it does find itself in combat, it is able to smash opponents with its strong jaw or flick pieces of bone at them from its tail. Researchers have noted many similarities between Radobaan and Uragaan: Both roll, eat very hard substances, and have a similar appearance. There is a theory that they share a common ancestor, and that Radobaan is the result of adapting to the unique conditions of the Rotten Vale. There's another theory that Radobaan's rolling behavior carved the narrow paths in the top of the vale.

Though typically sluggish, Radobaan's skin is dentin-like, allowing it curl up to roll long distances at high speed. To protect this soft skin it covers itself in tar before rolling around in bone piles to armor itself. This armor is not only for defense, but it also seems to help attract mates. Radobaan is picky about which bones it covers itself with because they are both armor and tools. The bones are what allow it to control its movement while rolling, and it specifically chooses large bones for its legs to enable itself to make tight turns. The bones in lines along its back allow it to roll straight, and the bones on its face increase the range of its jaw smashing attacks. It has been known to leave tar and bones behind as it rolls around.

Radobaan uses its jaw to smash bones, which it either adds to its armor or chews with its tightly packed teeth. Researchers have found a rare new species of bacteria in the vale that breaks down the minerals within bones. Radobaan feeds on bones once or twice a day, and research has shown that this bacteria is its primary source of nutrition. By eating this bacteria and the soft tissue attached to bones, it is able to form and strengthen its bone armor. These materials also react within Radobaan to create a gas that induces-sleep. As a last resort in combat, Radobaan will emit this gas in all directions by pressing its abdomen into the ground to stimulate special pathways.

The friction and pressure of Radobaan rolling through the Rotten Vale results in thermal decomposition of vegetation and decaying matter, creating a layer of tar. It nests in areas with piles of bones so that it can use them to replenish its armor. During reproductive season they bury their eggs in the ground to hatch on their own. They emerge already covered in tar and bones, increasing their covering as they grow. As Radobaan do not rear their young, finding them is a challenge, and researchers don't know much about them.

Developer's Note: The team first made the Rotten Vale, and it has an upper area filled with bones and a looping pathway that they wanted a monster to roll through. Given the hellish setting, they imagined the monster rolling around like a fire wheel yokai. They felt it would be realistic to have a close relative of Uragaan in the New World that covered itself in bones, which is what eventually allowed them to bring Uragaan into the game. Since bones aren't as tough as Machalite, they added more and more bones to Radobaan until it had its current fearsome appearance.

Other Languages

Other Languages
日本語 Monster name in katakana ( Romanization )
Monster title in kanji ( Romanization )
Español Monster name in spanish
Monster title in spanish
Repeat for other languages


Trivia/short notes about the monster 


Monster List
Sixth Generation BaunosBulaqchiCeratonothDalthydonGajiosHarpiosSeikretPiragilTaliothWudwud
AjarakanArkveldBalaharaChatacabraDoshagumaLala BarinaQuematriceRey DauRompopoloUth Duna
Fifth Generation BarnosBoaboaBoggiBombadgyCanyneCortosGajalakaGajauGastodonGirrosGowngoatGrimalkyneIzuchiJagrasKestodonMernosNoiosPyrantulaRachnoidRaphinosShamosWulg
Acidic GlavenusAknosomAlmudronMagma AlmudronAnjanathFulgur AnjanathApex ArzurosApex DiablosApex RathalosApex RathianApex MizutsuneApex ZinogreBanbaroBazelgeuseSeething BazelgeuseBeotodusBishatenBlood Orange BishatenDodogamaEspinasFlaming EspinasFrostfang BariothGarangolmGoss HaragGreat GirrosGreat IzuchiGreat JagrasJyuratodusKulu-Ya-KuLegianaShrieking LegianaLeshenAncient LeshenLunagaronMagnamaloScorned MagnamaloOdogaronEbony OdogaronPaolumuNightshade PaolumuPukei-PukeiCoral Pukei-PukeiRadobaanRakna-KadakiPyre Rakna-KadakiScarred Yian GarugaSomnacanthAurora SomnacanthTetranadonTobi-KadachiViper Tobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuViolet Mizutsune
BehemothCrimson Glow ValstraxRisen Crimson Glow ValstraxGaismagormKulve TarothMalzenoPrimordial MalzenoNamielleNergiganteRuiner NergiganteRisen ChameleosRisen Kushala DaoraRisen Shagaru MagalaRisen TeostraSafi'jiivaShara IshvaldaThunder Serpent NarwaNarwa the AllmotherVaal HazakBlackveil Vaal HazakVelkhanaWind Serpent IbushiXeno'jiivaZorah Magdaros
Fourth Generation KonchuLarinothMaccaoMoofahZamite
Ahtal-KaAstalosBoltreaver AstalosBloodbath DiablosCrystalbeard UragaanDeadeye Yian GarugaDreadking RathalosDreadqueen RathianGammothElderfrost GammothGlavenusHellblade GlavenusGore MagalaChaotic Gore MagalaGreat MaccaoGrimclaw TigrexKecha WachaAsh Kecha WachaMalfestioNightcloak MalfestioMizutsuneSoulseer MizutsuneMolten TigrexNajaralaTidal NajaralaNerscyllaShrouded NerscyllaRaging BrachydiosRedhelm ArzurosRuby BasariosRustrazor CeanataurSeltasDesert SeltasSeltas QueenDesert Seltas QueenSeregiosSilverwind NargacugaSnowbaron LagombiStonefist HermitaurTetsucabraBerserk TetsucabraDrilltusk TetsucabraThunderlord ZinogreZamtriosTigerstripe Zamtrios
Dah'ren MohranDalamadurShah DalamadurGogmaziosNakarkosOroshi KirinShagaru MagalaValstrax
Third Generation AltarothBaggiBnahabraDelexEpiothFishGargwaGiggiJaggiJaggiaLudrothRhenoplosSlagtothUroktorWroggi
AgnaktorGlacial AgnaktorArzurosBariothSand BariothBarrothJade BarrothBrachydiosBrute TigrexDeviljhoSavage DeviljhoDuramborosRust DuramborosGigginoxBaleful GigginoxGobulGreat BaggiGreat JaggiGreat WroggiGreen NargacugaLucent NargacugaLagiacrusIvory LagiacrusAbyssal LagiacrusLagombiNibelsnarfQurupecoCrimson QurupecoRoyal LudrothPurple LudrothUragaanSteel UragaanVolvidonZinogreStygian Zinogre
AlatreonAmatsuCeadeusGoldbeard CeadeusDire MiralisJhen MohranHallowed Jhen Mohran
Second Generation AntekaBlangoCeanataurCongaGiapreyGreat ThunderbugHermitaurPopoRemobraShakalaka
AkantorBlangongaCopper BlangongaBulldromeCongalalaEmerald CongalalaDaimyo HermitaurPlum Daimyo HermitaurGiadromeHypnocatriceKing ShakalakaLavasiothNargacugaRajangFurious RajangShen GaorenShogun CeanataurTerra Shogun CeanataurTigrexUkanlosVespoid Queen
ChameleosKushala DaoraRusted Kushala DaoraLunastraTeostraWhite FatalisYama Tsukami
First Generation ApcerosAptonothBullfangoCephalosFelyneGenpreyHornetaurIopreyKelbiMelynxMosswineVelocipreyWhite VelocipreyVespoid
BasariosCephadromeDiablosBlack DiablosGendromeGraviosBlack GraviosGypcerosPurple GypcerosIodromeKhezuRed KhezuMonoblosWhite MonoblosPlesiothGreen PlesiothRathalosAzure RathalosSilver RathalosRathianPink RathianGold RathianVelocidromeYian GarugaYian Kut-KuBlue Yian Kut-Ku
KirinLao-Shan LungAshen Lao-Shan LungFatalisCrimson Fatalis
Stories Generation Aptonoth EXGreat Dracophage BugUroktor EX
Agnaktor EXBarroth EXEponaGreat PoogieKumashiraKurenai GoukamiTigrex EXUragaan EX
Makili PietruOlturaVersa Pietru
Frontier Generation BurukkuEgyurasuErupeHalkKusubamiPokaraUruki
AbioruguGiaoruguZenith GiaoruguAkura VashimuZenith Akura VashimuAkura JebiaAnorupatisuZenith AnorupatisuAruganosuBarlagualZenith BarlagualBerukyurosuDoragyurosuZenith DoragyurosuBlinking NargacugaBogabadorumuBombardier BogabadorumuBreeding Season HypnocatriceSilver HypnocatriceZenith HypnocatriceDiorekkusuDuremudiraArrogant DuremudiraDyuragauaEspinas Rare SpeciesMeraginasuZenith EspinasFarunokkuForokururuGasurabazuraZenith GasurabazuraGogomoaGoruganosuGureadomosuGurenzeburuHowling ZinogreHyujikikiZenith HyujikikiKamu OrugaronKuarusepusuLavasioth SubspeciesLavienteViolent LavienteBerserk LavienteLolo GougarfMi RuMysterious Mi RuMidogaronZenith MidogaronNono OrugaronOdibatorasuPariapuriaThirsty PariapuriaZenith PlesiothPoborubarumuPokaradonRay GougarfStarving DeviljhoFour Heavenly King DeviljhoTaikun ZamuzaZenith Taikun ZamuzaToridclessZenith ToridclessUnknownVarusaburosuVoljangZenaserisuZenith BlangongaZenith Daimyo HermitaurZenith GraviosZenith KhezuZenith RathalosZenith TigrexZerureusuSparkling Zerureusu
DisufiroaEruzerionBurning Freezing EruzerionGaruba DaoraGuanzorumuRuler GuanzorumuHarudomeruguZenith HarudomeruguInagamiZenith InagamiKeoaruboruRukodioraRebidioraZenith RukodioraShantienToa TesukatoraYama Kurai
Online Generation BaelidaeDread BaelidaeCaeserberYellow CaeserberGhost CaeserberChramineIce ChramineConflagration RathianCrystal BasariosSandstone BasariosDisaster WyvernEstrellianDoom EstrellianArbiter EstrellianFlame BlangongaFlame TigrexGold CongalalaGold HypnocatriceGonngenn HermitaurGuren Shen GaorenLightennaPoikilos LightennaOne-Eared Yian GarugaOnimushaShattered MonoblosSlicemarglPurple SlicemarglSwordmaster Shogun CeanataurTeppeki Shen Gaoren
MerphistophelinElemental MerphistophelinTartaronisInfernal Tartaronis
Explore ApyposFestive FelyneFestive MelynxGoruruGreat GoruruMetaruGreat MetaruThanksalot Bnahabra
Aberrant DeviljhoBlack Star Beast VolvidonChristmas VolvidonDemonic SeregiosDestruction Wyvern RathalosEnma RajangExplosive Peak DuramborosFFBE ZinogreFiercewater NargacugaFlame RathalosFrozen BariothGilded DiablosGreat ApyposIceblast BrachydiosImmortal ZinogreLandconquest LagiacrusPumpkin UragaanB.O.W. UragaanPurgatory AgnaktorScorching Heat RathianSeabream PlesiothShiningrock UragaanSteel Armor DiablosSweet Tooth TigrexTenth Angel Gore MagalaThanksalot BarrothThunderbubble MizutsuneUnit-01 BrachydiosUnit-02 TigrexVirulent GigginoxWatermelon UragaanRotten UragaanWhitewater PlesiothWitch GobulWitch LagombiYoga Gigginox
Eo GarudiaMorudomuntoNef-GarmatThunder Emperor Kirin
Orage Delma-IopreyNaco AgulGilkuza
Myo Galuna
Minor Monsters CohootGoocooPoogieQurio
Other Variations Giant MosswineRed Mosswine
Conga-jangElemental BulldromeExplosion GypcerosFishman OniGaseous CongalalaGreatest JagrasHunter BulldromeMiyamoaProducer CongalalaRathaGuardian RathaRazewing RathaShadow FatalisSizeshifting PlesiothYian Kut-Rex