
From MHWiki

This project is an effort to translate the phyolgenetic trees from the Japanese setting books and to create pages for them here on the wiki.

List of all trees:

  1. Encyclopedia 1 (pg5, reprinted on pg49 of encyclopedia G and pg51 of encyclopedia [RE])
  2. Encyclopedia 2 (pg24, reprinted on pg84 of encyclopedia G and pg86 of encyclopedia [RE])
  3. Encyclopedia G (pg124, reprinted on pg126 of encyclopedia [RE])
  4. Encyclopedia 3 (pg36-37, reprinted on pg258-259 of encyclopedia [RE]
  5. Encyclopedia [Reprint Edition] (pg420-421)
  6. Encyclopedia 4 (pg52-53)
  7. Dive to Iceborne (pg118-119)
  8. Rise Setting Materials Collection (pg146-147)
  9. Sunbreak Setting Materials Collection pg(190-193)

Currently all clade names are being extracted into a table in this Google Sheet for translation.

The format for the eventual phylo tree wiki pages is being prototyped here: Sandbox:Phylogenetic_Tree_Page.

After the trees are translated, they'll be built in google sheets and exported in the correct format to be pasted into a wiki page for each tree. They'll be marked completed here as they're done.

Reach out to zugzwang94 on Discord if you're interested in working on this project.