Legendary Sword

From MHWiki
Legendary Sword
한국어 역전의 검
Español Espada legendaria
Français Épée légendaire
Deutsch Legendenschwert
Italiano Spada leggendaria

The Legendary Sword, also known as the Eternal Strife is a Sword and Shield series introduced in Monster Hunter.

Polished dilligently with dozens of Earth Crystals, this beautiful ancient weapon was made by artisans working for months on end.

Game Data


Legendary Sword

An ancient Sword that was once hidden beneath layers of rust.

Legendary Sword
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 350 (250) None -
Upgrades From Tarnished Sword
Materials Earth Crystal x40
Price 30000z
Upgrades Into
Eternal Strife
Other Languages
한국어 역전의 검
Español Espada legendaria
Français Épée légendaire
Deutsch Legendenschwert
Italiano Spada leggendaria

Eternal Strife

Weaponsmiths of old worked 108 days straight to make this legendary Dragonsword.

Eternal Strife
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 84 (60) 620 -
Upgrades From Legendary Sword
Materials Earth Crystal x60
Price 60000z
Upgrades Into
Legendary Sword
Other Languages
한국어 봉룡검【절일문】
Español Lucha eterna
Français Lutte éternelle
Deutsch Ewiger Kampf
Italiano Eterna lotta

Legendary Sword Path

Legendary Sword Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Rusted Sword 1 42 (30) None
Tarnished Sword 1 56 (40) None
 Legendary Sword 3 350 (250) None
  Eternal Strife 3 84 (60) 620

See Also