Flame Falchion

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Flame Falchion
한국어 플레임마로우
Español Falchion de fuego
Français Falchion flambant
Deutsch Flammen-Falchion
Italiano Scimitarra di fiamma

The Flame Falchion, also known by the names Blazing Falchion, Red Saber, Djinn, High Ifrit or Enspirited Ifrit is a Sword and Shield series introduced in Monster Hunter.

The blade is made of solid Rathalos marrow on a metal handle, which is said to be as hot as magma and provides fire damage, the shield is made from a whole piece of shell rivetted onto a slab of metal.

Game Data


Djinn I

Djinn I
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 120 18 -
Affinity Slots
0% ---
Sharpness Green/Blue
Rampage Skills
Attack Boost II
Fire Boost I
Element Exploit
Crafting Materials
Materials Rathalos Shell x3
Rathalos Marrow x1
Rathalos Tail x1
Firestone x3
Price 6300z
Upgrades From Pukei Sword I
Materials Rathalos Shell x2
Rathalos Scale x3
Rathalos Webbing x2
Flame Sac x2
Price 4200z
Upgrades Into
Djinn II
Other Languages
한국어 반엣지Ⅰ
Español Djinn I
Français Djinn I
Deutsch Djinn I
Italiano Djinn I

Djinn II

Djinn II
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
5 190 23 -
Affinity Slots
0% ---
Sharpness Blue/Blue
Rampage Skills
Attack Boost II
Fire Boost I
Element Exploit
Upgrades From Djinn I
Materials Rathalos Carapace x4
Rathalos Wing x2
Rathalos Plate x1
Inferno Sac x3
Price 26000z
Upgrades Into
Blazing Falchion

Blazing Falchion

Blazing Falchion
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
6 200 33 -
Affinity Slots
0% ---
Sharpness Blue/White
Rampage Skills
Attack Boost III
Fire Boost I
Element Exploit
Upgrades From Djinn II
Materials Fire Dragon Scale+ x3
Rathalos Medulla x1
HR Rathalos Material 15pts
Price 56000z
Upgrades Into
Blazing Falchion+
Other Languages
한국어 이프리트매로우
Español Falcata llameante
Français Falchion brûlant
Deutsch Glut-Falchion
Italiano Scimitarra fiammante
Português Bracamarte Escaldante
Русский Сиятельный фальшион

Blazing Falchion+

Blazing Falchion+
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
9 310 45 -
Affinity Slots
0% --- --3
Sharpness White/White
Rampage Skills
Upgrades From Blazing Falchion
Materials Rathalos Cortex x6
Rathalos Fellwing x3
Rathalos Lash x2
Rathalos Mantle x1
Price 54000z
Upgrades Into
Blazing Falchion+

Enspirited Ifrit

Enspirited Ifrit
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
10 330 47 -
Affinity Slots
0% --- --3
Sharpness Purple/Purple
Rampage Skills
Upgrades From Blazing Falchion
Materials Afflicted Claw x5
Afflicted Scale x5
MR Rathalos Material 30pts
Price 60000z
Other Languages
한국어 에볼이프리트
Español Ifrit espiritual
Français Esprit d'Éfrit
Deutsch Beseelter Ifrit
Italiano Ifrit animato
Português Ifrit Animado
Русский Оживленный ифрит




Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
6 210 (150) 240 -
Crafting Materials
Materials Rathlos Carapace x2
Wyvern Marrow x5
Inferno Sac x1
Price 5190z
Upgrades Into
Other Languages
한국어 반엣지
Español Djinn
Français Djinn
Deutsch Djinn
Italiano Djinn



Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
6 238 (170) 270 -
Upgrades From Djinn
Materials Rathlos Carapace x2
Rthlos BrainStem x5
Inferno Sac x2
Price 12900z
Upgrades Into
High Ifrit
Golden Falchion
Corpse Blades

Flame Falchion


Flame Falchion
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 224 (160) 310 -
Upgrades From Red Saber+
Materials Rathalos Scale x3
Wyvern Marrow x1
Flame Sac x3
Price 12900z
Upgrades Into
Blazing Falchion

Blazing Falchion


Blazing Falchion
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 238 (170) 380 -
Upgrades From Flame Falchion
Materials Rathalos Scale x6
Wyvern Marrow x3
Flame Sac x4
Price 41340z
Other Languages
한국어 이프리트마로우
Español Falchion ardiente
Français Falchion brûlant
Deutsch Glut-Falchion
Italiano Scimitarra fiammante

High Ifrit


High Ifrit
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
6 266 (190) 380 -
Upgrades From Djinn+
Materials Rathalos Scale x6
Rthlos BrainStem x10
Inferno Sac x4
Price 100000z
Other Languages
한국어 하이이프리트
Español Gran Ifrit
Français Haut Ifrit
Deutsch Hoher Ifrit
Italiano Alto Ifrit


Red Saber

Hard-to-work marrow made into a Sword. So fragile it just begs to be improved.

Red Saber
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
2 196 (140) 240 -
Upgrades From Bonespike
Materials Rathalos Shell x2
Wyvern Marrow x1
Price 3210z
Upgrades Into
Red Saber+
Other Languages
한국어 렛드샤벨
Español Sable rojo
Français Sabre rouge
Deutsch Rotsäbel
Italiano Sciabala rossa

Red Saber+

Improved Red Saber. Uses a Flame Sac for superior Sharpness and flame power.

Red Saber+
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
2 238 (170) 270 -
Upgrades From Red Saber
Materials Rathalos Shell x2
Wyvern Marrow x1
Flame Sac x2
Price 5190z
Upgrades Into
Flame Falchion
Other Languages
한국어 렛드샤벨 개
Español Sable rojo+
Français Sabre rouge+
Deutsch Rotsäbel+
Italiano Sciabala rossa+

Flame Falchion

Further improved Red Saber with a wider blade for superb flame and Sharpness.

Flame Falchion
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 224 (160) 310 -
Upgrades From Red Saber+
Materials Rathalos Scale x3
Wyvern Marrow x1
Flame Sac x3
Price 12900z
Upgrades Into
Blazing Falchion
Other Languages
한국어 플레임마로우
Español Falchion de fuego
Français Falchion flambant
Deutsch Flammen-Falchion
Italiano Scimitarra di fiamma

Blazing Falchion

Doesn't stay sharp long, but possesses superior Attack. Can be further improved.

Blazing Falchion
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
3 238 (170) 380 -
Upgrades From Flame Falchion
Materials Rathalos Scale x6
Wyvern Marrow x3
Flame Sac x4
Price 41340z
Other Languages
한국어 이프리트마로우
Español Falchion ardiente
Français Falchion brûlant
Deutsch Glut-Falchion
Italiano Scimitarra fiammante

Flame Falchion Path

Flame Falchion Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Bone Kris 1 98 (70) None
Bone Kris+ 1 126 (90) None
 Bonepick 1 154 (110) None
 Bonepick+ 1 168 (120) None
  Bonespike 1 182 (130) None
   Red Saber 2 196 (140) 240
   Red Saber+ 2 210 (150) 270
    Flame Falchion 3 224 (160) 310
     Blazing Falchion 3 238 (170) 380
   Corona 4 168 (120) 440
   Bone Scythe 2 154 (110) None
    Bone Scythe+ 2 168 (120) None
     Cutlass 3 182 (130) 130
     Cutlass+ 3 210 (150) 210
     Gradios 3 196 (140) 180
      Gradios+ 3 224 (160) 210
       Gradios Ultimus 4 252 (180) 250
 Weary Finsword 2 140 (100) 180
 Weary Finsword+ 2 154 (110) 200
  Sandman Finsword 2 168 (120) 230
 Crimson Club 3 168 (120) 140
  Monoblos Club 3 196 (140) 310

See Also