Chivalric Spear

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Chivalric Spear

The Chivalric Spear, also known as the Squire Spear, Knight Lance or Knight Spear is a Lance series introduced in Monster Hunter.

A metallic lance with a bone guard and accents made from Velociprey.

Game Data


Knight Lance

Forged from pure iron, this lance allows for even stronger Attack.

Knight Lance
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
1 184 (80) None -
Crafting Materials
Materials Machalite Ore x2
Iron Ore x20
Earth Crystal x8
Velociprey Scale x5
Price 1320z
Upgrades From Iron Lance+
Materials Iron Ore x5
Earth Crystal x2
Velociprey Hide x3
Price 1320z
Upgrades Into
Knight Lance+
Other Languages
한국어 아이언란스
Español Lanza de caballero
Français Lance de chevalier
Deutsch Ritterlanze
Italiano Lancia di cavaliere

Knight Lance+

Improved Knight Lance. Allows both slicing and thrusting attacks.

Knight Lance+
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
1 207 (90) None -
Upgrades From Knight Lance
Materials Iron Ore x10
Earth Crystal x3
Velociprey Hide x3
Price 1800z
Upgrades Into
Knight Spear
Other Languages
한국어 아이언란스 개
Español Lanza de caballero+
Français Lance de chevalier+
Deutsch Ritterlanze+
Italiano Lancia di cavaliere+

Knight Spear

The ultimate Knight Lance. Crystal polished to bring out its true potential.

Knight Spear
Rarity Attack Attribute Defense
1 230 (100) None -
Upgrades From Knight Lance+
Materials Iron Ore x20
Earth Crystal x15
Price 2280z
Upgrades Into
Paladin Lance
Other Languages
한국어 나이트스퀴드
Español Venablo de caballero
Français Épieu de chevalier
Deutsch Ritterspeer
Italiano Asta de cavaliere

Knight Lance Path

Knight Lance Path
Name Rarity Attack Attribute Sharpness Defense
Iron Lance 1 138 (60) None
Iron Lance+ 1 161 (70) None
 Knight Lance 1 184 (80) None
 Knight Lance+ 1 207 (90) None
  Knight Spear 1 230 (100) None
   Paladin Lance 2 276 (120) None
    Paladin Lance+ 2 322 (140) None
     Rampart 2 368 (160) None
      Babel Spear 2 414 (180) None
 Bone Javelin 2 184 (80) None
  Bone Javelin+ 2 230 (100) None
   Spiked Spear 2 276 (120) None

See Also