Coral Highlands

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Coral Highlands
Game Appearances MHW
Habitat Type Unique Habitats
Number of Areas 15

The Coral Highlands is a locale introduced in, and exclusive to, Monster Hunter: World.

It is the third locale the player has access to, and is characterized by a unique environment consisting of enormous corals that form valleys, cliffs and plateaus.
Monsters such as Paolumu and Legiana can be found here.


The Coral Highlands are a unique locale characterized by massive land corals that shape the landscape. Located at the center of the New World's explored zone, this area is teeming with life. The enormous, hardened corals form the foundations for cliffs, platforms, caves and peaks, and are further strengthened by sediments such as rock and sand. This area exists in a symbiotic relationship with the Rotten Vale[1]: The corals and their abundant eggs attract various animals and their predators into these highlands, and when those animals die, they fall into the Vale below. In the Vale, an airborne bacterial amalgamation collectively called Effluvium[2] rapidly decomposes and recycles their corpses. The resulting reclaimed nutrients then naturally spread across the area and, in no small part, float back up to the Coral Highlands, where they fuel the corals anew. This cycle lies at the center of the New World's ecosystem.

The locale can be broadly separated into two zones: the Lower Levels, where small wyvern such as Shamos scuttle about, and the Highlands, which are home to numerous Flying Wyvern, such as the Legiana. As the altitude increases, the landscape becomes less colorful - as life booms in the area, more and more corals grow at the bottom of the locale, near the nutrient rich Rotten Vale. The new corals push the existing corals upwards, further away from the vale, where fewer nutrients reach them. And so, after a certain altitude, all that is left is a collection of dead grey corals, starved of life due to their distance from the Rotten Vale[3].

Area 1: The Coral Forest

In the southwest of the locale stands the Coral Forest[1]. As the name implies, this is an area full of tree-like corals, giving it the appearance of a forest. Kelbi can often be found here drinking out of the shallow pools that accumulate beneath the coral branches. Large Monsters rarely traverse this zone - only the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is occasionally sighted here.

On a plateau above the forest sits the Coral Highlands Southern Camp(1).

Area 2: The Coral Cave

Stretching from the south to the center of the lower levels one finds the Coral Cave[1]. Despite the name, this area is not actually a cave: Rather, it is a narrow corridor situated under a canopy of corals. Little light reaches the floor here, and various hollow corals provide additional shelter. Shamos often patrol here.

Area 3: The Rock Arch

Along the western edge of the locale stand the Rock Arches [4], natural stone formations that form bridges and walkways over a white sand slope. Paolumu can often be seen flying around here, and the southern part of the area is home to numerous Wigglers.

Area 4: The Shamos Nest

Located in the center of the Coral Highlands' lower levels, the Shamos Nest[4] is a major intersection for all creatures that prowl the lowlands. Shamos congregate here, and should a fight arise, more of them will emerge from various holes in the surrounding corals. The floor of this area is actually a massive, water-storing coral. Coral Pukei-Pukei will sometimes seek it out to drink from it.

Area 5: The Giant Coral Column

In the northwest of the lower levels one finds the Giant Coral Column[5]. This clearing is home to numerous tall, column-like corals, with one massive tree coral standing in the middle. These corals are known to spew out their eggs frequently, which attracts hordes of hungry Wingdrakes and Flying Wyvern regularily. Paolumu are an especially common sight here. Sleeptoads also venture here, sitting quietly in the shade.

Area 6: The Gateway Reef

Immediately north of the Shamos Nest, hidden away behind a small hole, one finds the Gateway Reef, a collection of coral terraces that lead to the bottom of the Coral Highlands[6]. By descending from one platform to the next, one can get extremely close to the Rotten Vale, Various updrafts blow around these corals.

Area 7: The Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Nest
Area 8: The Table Coral
Area 9: The Coral Dome
Area 10: The Dark Cliffs
Area 11: The Waterfall Caves
Area 12: The Dead Coral Coil
Area 13: The Coral Pillars
Area 14: The Vertical Caves
Area 15: The Legiana Nest


Small Monsters

Large Monsters

Game Data

Items that can be gathered by hand while moving. Note that in Monster Hunter: World, these spots do not have a % chance to drop various items. They will always give the player the same item every time. They also are not affected by which Rank (Low, High or Master) the locale is visited at.

Item Areas
Herb 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 15
Honey 2, 9, 11, 14
Antidote Herb 13
Fire Herb 3
Ivy 6
Sleep Herb 5
Flowfern 6
Snow Herb 1
Nulberry 2, 8, 12, 13
Needleberry 8, 10
Latchberry 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
Slashberry 12, 13, 15
Bomberry 12
Adamant Seed 11, 10
Smokenut 8
Flamenut 6, 10
Blastnut 9
Blazenut 14
Dragonstrike Nut 6
Blue Mushroom 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Toadstool 13
Parashroom 13
Devil's Blight 6
Mandragora 14
Bitterbug 11
Flashbug 4, 7
Thunderbug 2, 10, 11
Spiderweb 6


  • The air in the Coral Highlands has been noted to smell sweet due to the coral eggs floating around[2].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.134
  2. 2.0 2.1 Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.148
  3. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.143
  4. 4.0 4.1 Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.135
  5. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.136
  6. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.137

See also

Villages & Towns KunafaAsteraThird Fleet Research BaseSelianaKamuraElgado OutpostVal HabarHarthCheeko SandsCatharBhernaMogaLoc-LacYukumoTanziaJumboDundormaPokkeKokotoMinegarde

Mezeporta (Frontier)Pallone CaravanMilardMezeporta (Online)Hunter's ManorShanbaru

HakumGildegaranOasumAlbaraxGeo-FulkrightKoapniMahanaRutohKuanLulucionFelyne ShelterNua TeLaquaEl Te UnaValuxFuugaSelelkaMaha Elg

Habitats ForestsSwampsJunglesVolcanoesDesertsSnowlandsMountainsHighlandsCavesRuinsUnique Habitats
Sixth Generation Windward PlainsScarlet Forest
Fifth Generation Ancient ForestWildspire WasteCoral HighlandsRotten ValeElder's RecessHoarfrost ReachGuiding Lands
Shrine RuinsFrost IslandsSandy Plains (MHRise)Flooded Forest (MHRise)Lava CavernsCitadelJungle (MHRS)

Great RavineEverstreamConfluence of FatesCaverns of El DoradoSeliana Supply CacheOrigin IsleSecluded ValleyRed StrongholdCoral PalaceInfernal SpringsYawning AbyssForlorn Arena (MHRS)
Arena (New World)Special ArenaArena (MHRise)

Fourth Generation Ancestral SteppePrimal ForestSunken HollowVolcanic HollowFrozen SeawayHeaven's MountDunesJurassic FrontierVerdant HillsMarshlandsArctic RidgeRuined Pinnacle

EverwoodBattlequartersIngle IsleSanctuaryTower SummitSpeartip CragGreat SeaFortress (4th)Castle Schrade (4th)Wyvern's EndForlorn CitadelForlorn Arena (4th)
Arena (4th)Slayground

Third Generation Deserted IslandSandy PlainsFlooded ForestVolcano (3rd)TundraMisty Peaks

Underwater RuinGreat DesertSacred LandPolar FieldLava CanyonsSacred PinnacleTainted Sea
Land ArenaWater ArenaSmall Arena

Second Generation JungleDesertSwampVolcano (2nd)Snowy MountainsGreat Forest

TownTower 1Tower 2Tower 3Snowy Mountains Peak
Arena (2nd)Great Arena (2nd)Moat Arena (2nd)

First Generation Forest and HillsOld JungleOld DesertOld SwampOld Volcano

FortressCastle Schrade (1st)Battleground
Arena (1st)Great Arena (1st)

Frontier Generation HighlandTide IslandGorgePolar SeaFlower FieldWhite LakePainted WaterfallsSky CorridorFortress Ruins

Interceptor's BaseNest Hole (Tower)Great Forest PeakSolitude IslandSolitude Island DepthsLarge Exploration ShipWorld's End (Frontier)Deep CraterBamboo ForestCloud Viewing FortressHistorical Site
Competition Arena

Online Generation Dawnwind ValleyHermit ForestThunderous SandsKumbel WetlandsAncestral TombEsther LakeYilufa Snowy MountainsDark Veil ForestClamorous RidgeMoonlandsGhost Rune VolcanoesGlacial ValleyAncient TowerMerchant District

Beacon WallsRiverleaf ValleyArid BattlefieldEternal VolcanoRock Flowing FieldGreat Fortress Lake
Arena (MHO)Trial Ground

Stories Generation Pondry Hills (Mt. Pondry Caves, Whistill Forest) • Darj Snowfields (Wintertide Tunnel) • Perennial PassMonsonne PlainsBabda Rainforest (Peculiar Den, Great Tree of Babda) • Trese DesertDovan Volcano (Manelger's Laboratory) • Naubaka Island (Aowa Valley, Paupau Beach) • Mt. Celion (Ruins of Zalam) • Tower of Illusion
Hakolo Island (Elder's Lair) • AlcalaLoloskaLamure (Lamure Tower, Pomore Garden) • Terga