Ancient Forest

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Ancient Forest
Game Appearances MHW
Habitat Type Forests
Number of Areas 16

The Ancient Forest is a locale introduced in Monster Hunter: World.

It is the first locale the player has access to, and is characterized by a lush, green environment.
Monsters such as Jagras and Anjanath can be found here.


The Ancient Forest consists of a vast forest area with varying vegetation density. Its central landmark is the Ancient Tree, an enormous tree structure that is actually an amalgamation of dozens of smaller trees. [1] With the Ancient Tree as its epicenter, the forest stretches out, transitioning into rocky cliffs, shores and even cave networks. At the very top of the megastructure, rain water accumulates in a natural reservoir, and the Ancient Tree’s roots and branches serve as water distributors from that source, creating channels and trickles that create numerous distinct habitats.[2] It can be broadly separated into three levels: the lower level, the middle level and the peak. The locale has been described to be similar to a tower in structure.[3] Like with most locales, the map is segmented into zones, 16 in this case.

Area 1: The Coastal Plain

The zone in the south-west is called the Coastal Plain [4] and is defined by a wide open plain, saturated with thin and shallow water streams. It derives its name from bordering directly on the south shore of the area, and of the New World Continent itself. The plant species found here don’t grow very tall, making this area ideal for grazing herbivores. Specifically, herds of Aptonoth can commonly be observed munching on the fresh greenery springing up from within and between the streams.

At the northern edge of the plain, one can find a small waterfall and pond. Various fish can be caught here. On the western side of this pond, a path leads to Area 2. A similar path can be found immediately east of the pond, which leads to Area 3.

In the south-western corner of this area sits the Ancient Forest Southwest Camp (1). A narrow path north of the camp leads to Area 8.

Game Data

Per-game lists of gatherable items, veggie elder trades and such.


Various curiosities and trivia.


  1. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.112
  2. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.116
  3. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.105
  4. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.104

See Also

Monsters associated with that locale, for example.