Help:Large Monster Pages

From MHWiki
Revision as of 12:54, 28 May 2024 by Zugzwang (talk | contribs)

This is a help page describing how to properly edit Large Monster pages on this wiki, such as Great Jagras


The general help pages listed here: Help:Contents

Creating a New Page

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select edit
  3. Copy the contents of the page, excluding the final line that includes "Do not include in the filled pages"
  4. Navigate to the large monster page that you wish to create
  5. Paste the contents from the sandbox page
  6. Edit according to the guidelines below

It can be helpful to view the markdown of an already existing monster page to use as a reference.

Editing an Existing Page

The following definitions and conventions have been established for the various fields on the page. Please follow them to keep all pages consistent, or reach out to Wiki staff if you believe they should be changed.

Most fields should be sufficiently described by the default info copied from the sandbox page, but some sections are described in more detail below.


This is the navigation bar at the top of a large monster page with related monsters. If the mosnter whose page you're creating has a subspecies, deviant, etc. simply add the monster's name in the corresponding field of this template. Delete any unused fields. "Related Species" refers to a minion (such as Jagras to Great Jagras), opposite gender categorized as another monster (such as Rathian to Rathalos), or a different growth stage (such as Gravios to Basarios). It does not cover any other cases of looser relation (such as Radobaan to Uragaan). If the monster does not have any other monster that fits the criteria for any of these fields, remove the entire template.


This is the infobox that appears in the top right of the large monster pages.


The image files for large monsters can be found in this category: 20th Anniversary Monster Renders


Please keep in mind the Help:Source Priority system.


Please keep in mind the naming conventions specified in Editing Guidelines

Length, Height, and Foot

Please convert these to meters and include a maximum of two digits right of the decimal (maybe?).




The same criteria from NavigationMonsterSpecies applies to what should be included here.

Short Description of the Monster