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==[[Black Diablos]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Black Diablos}}
==[[Great Girros]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Great Girros}}
==[[Great Jagras]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Great Jagras}}
==[[Azure Rathalos]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Azure Rathalos}}
==[[Pink Rathian]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Pink Rathian}}
==[[Ancient Leshen]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Ancient Leshen}}
==[[Kulve Taroth]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Kulve Taroth}}
==[[Kushala Daora]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Kushala Daora}}
==[[Vaal Hazak]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Vaal Hazak}}
==[[Zorah Magdaros]]==
{{RefData:MHWorldMonsterMaterial-Zorah Magdaros}}

Revision as of 09:43, 30 August 2024

Pick a Monster or Item Type

Items in Bold are exclusive to High Rank.
For Master Rank materials, consult the corresponding Iceborne page


Item Rarity Price
Herb Rarity 1 2z
A primary ingredient in potions.
Gathering: All maps.
Antidote Herb Rarity 1 2z
A primary ingredient in antidotes.
Gathering: All maps.
Fire Herb Rarity 2 4z
A wondrous, flammable plant. Useful for crafting explosives.
Gathering: All maps.
Flowfern Rarity 2 4z
This plant's leaves store a great amount of water.
A component for making Water Ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Snow Herb Rarity 2 6z
A plant that radiates ice-cold air. Use in combinations to create freeze ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Sleep Herb Rarity 1 5z
A plant containing sleeping agents. Used to craft tranquilizers.
Gathering: All maps.
Ivy Rarity 1 8z
A lightweight and extremely strong plant. Used to make nets for pitfall traps.
Gathering: All maps.
Honey Rarity 2 45z
Highly nutritious honey.
Combine this with Potions to craft Mega Potions for maximum potency.
Gathering: All maps.
Might Seed Rarity 2 140z
Temporarily strengthens your attacks when ingested by improving energy flow.
Gathering: Wildspire Waste, Rotten Vale, Elder's Recess.
Adamant Seed Rarity 2 110z
Temporarily raises your defense when ingested by hardening tissue.
Gathering: Ancient Forest, Coral Highlands, Elder's Recess.
Nulberry Rarity 2 120z
A mysterious berry that cures various blights.
Gathering: All maps.
Smokenut Rarity 1 4z
A nut that produces a copious amount of smoke.
Combine with other items to create smoke with various properties.
Gathering: All maps.
Dragonfell Berry Rarity 4 78z
A mysterious berry, rumored for eons to be loathed by dragons. Required to craft Dragon Ammo.
Gathering: Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale, Elder's Recess.
Flamenut Rarity 2 12z
Used to make Gunpowder that increases Ammo firepower.
Gathering: All maps.
Blazenut Rarity 2 12z
Used to make Gunpowder that greatly increases Ammo firepower.
Gathering: All maps.
Blue Mushroom Rarity 2 2z
A mushroom infused with power-enhancing effects. Used in restorative items.
Gathering: All maps.
Mandragora Rarity 3 40z
A dangerous fungus said to draw the life out of people. Beware. Required to craft Max Potions.
Gathering: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale.
Nitroshroom Rarity 2 6z
A hard-to-find mushroom with the power to generate blazing heat. Required to craft Gunpowder.
Gathering: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Rotten Vale, Elder's Recess.
Devil's Blight Rarity 2 60z
A very rare fungus that pulses with extreme heat.
Add to a barrel bomb for a dramatically stronger blast.
Gathering: Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale, Elder's Recess.
Parashroom Rarity 3 15z
A mushroom that induces Paralysis. Required to craft Tranq Bombs.
Gathering: All maps.
Toadstool Rarity 2 8z
A poisonous fungus. Can be used as a toxin for knives.
Gathering: All maps.
Exciteshroom Rarity 3 18z
This one has a very strange aroma. Is it edible? Only one way to find out!
Required to craft Farcasters.
Gathering: All maps.
Chillshroom Rarity 3 18z
This mushroom is a primary ingredient in Cool Drinks.
Gathering: Elder's Recess.
Needleberry Rarity 1 1z
A nut covered in needle-like spines. Used to make spread ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Blastnut Rarity 1 4z
A nut used to make sticky ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Dragonstrike Nut Rarity 2 12z
A nut that explodes on impact. Used to make Wyvern Ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Slashberry Rarity 1 4z
Used to make slicing ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Latchberry Rarity 1 4z
A nut that bears a spiral groove. Used to make Pierce Ammo.
Gathering: All maps.
Bomberry Rarity 2 12z
A nut that ruptures on impact. Used to make cluster bombs.
Gathering: All maps.


Item Rarity Price
Iron Ore Rarity 4 60z
Ore that can be smelted into metal and used for many different purposes.
Mining LR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Mining HR: Ancient Forest, Rotten Vale
Machalite Ore Rarity 4 160z
Ore that's more diffcult to procure than Iron Ore. Produces fine metal.
Mining LR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Mining HR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste
Dragonite Ore Rarity 4 480z
An ore that yields metal superior to that of Machalite.
Invaluable for making durable armor.
Mining LR: Coral Highlands, Zorah Magdaros' Back
Mining HR: All maps
Carbalite Ore Rarity 6 680z
Ore obtained from mining outcrops. Still under research, but known to yield highly pure metal.
Mining HR: All maps
Fucium Ore Rarity 6 1020z
Ore obtained from the Elder's Recess. A mysterious metal, capable of fusing nearly any two materials together.
Mining HR: Elder's Recess
Earth Crystal Rarity 4 80z
Crystallized microbes prized as an abrasive when forging weapons. Mainly found in the Wildspire Waste.
Mining LR: Wildspire Waste
Coral Crystal Rarity 4 600z
Crystal prized at the Smithy for use in high-grade abrasives. Mainly found in the Coral Highlands.
Mining LR: Coral Highlands
Mining HR: Coral Highlands
Dragonvein Crystal Rarity 6 800z
Mined from high rank areas. Many expect this newly-discovered crystal to usher in a new era of metalwork.
Mining HR: All maps.
Lightcrystal Rarity 5 1150z
A precious and extremely hard substance with a faint glow. Sometimes used for crafting tools.
Mining LR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Mining HR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Novacrystal Rarity 7 2440z
High quality Lightcrystal. Highly coveted for its rarity, it's used for only the finest of metalworking.
Mining HR: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Firecell Stone Rarity 7 1720z
A magma-like deposit that only trained hands can work with. Armor made from it is first-class.
Mining HR: Elder's Recess
Aquacore Ore Rarity 4 400z
A valuable mineral used to create charms. Gives off a vibrant glow that mirrors the ocean.
Mining LR: Coral Highlands
Mining HR: Coral Highlands
Spiritcore Ore Rarity 6 800z
A valuable mineral used to create charms. Gives off a warm, sunny glow.
Mining HR: All maps.
Dreamcore Ore Rarity 7 1200z
A valuable mineral used to create charms. Gives off a blazing glow reminiscent of a bonfire.
Mining HR: Elder's Recess
Dragoncore Ore Rarity 8 2000z
A valuable mineral used to create charms. Gives off a mysterious glow that grants the holder sagely wisdom.
Mining HR: Elder's Recess
Armor Sphere Rarity 4 80z
Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a tiny amount.
Rewards LR: Quests, Bounties
Armor Sphere+ Rarity 5 200z
Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a small amount.
Rewards LR: Quests, Bounties
Rewards HR: Quests
Advanced Armor Sphere Rarity 6 300z
Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it.
Rewards HR: Quests, Bounties
Hard Armor Sphere Rarity 7 400z
Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to significantly improve it.
Rewards HR: Quests, Bounties, Investigations (★★★Threat)
Heavy Armor Sphere Rarity 8 600z
Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to greatly improve it.
Rewards HR: Event Quests, Limited Bounties
Mysterious Feystone Rarity 4 25z
A jewel that conceals faint traces of power within it. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Quests, Tempered Investigations (★Threat)
Glowing Feystone Rarity 5 25z
A jewel that conceals an unknown power within it. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Quests, Tempered Investigations (★&★★Threat)
Worn Feystone Rarity 6 25z
A jewel that conceals considerable power within it. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Event Quests, Tempered Investigations (All Threat Levels)
Warped Feystone Rarity 7 25z
A jewel that conceals a mystical power within it. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Event Quests, Tempered Investigations (★★★Threat)
Sullied Streamstone Rarity 6 25z
Though dirty, this stone pulses with undeniable power. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Event Quests, Tempered Investigations (★★/★★★Threat)
Shining Streamstone Rarity 8 25z
A stone that shines with the brilliance of endless possibility. (Appraisal Item)
Rewards HR: Event Quests, Tempered Investigations (★★★Threat)


Item Rarity Price
Bitterbug Rarity 1 2z
A sharp-tasting bug with innate healing abilities. Used as an ingredient in many medicines.
Gathering: All maps.
Flashbug Rarity 2 48z
An insect that emits a powerful flash when it dies. Required to craft Flash Pods.
Gathering: All maps.
Godbug Rarity 4 120z
An insect said to live a millennium. Combine it with other Items to add their properties to the powder.
Gathering: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Rotten Vale, Elder's Recess
Thunderbug Rarity 4 80z
An insect that emits electricity when struck. Has many applications.
Gathering: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale
Baitbug Rarity 3 2z
An insect used as fishing bait. A fish favorite, it practically races down the nearest gilly gullet.
Gathering: All maps.
Great Hornfly Rarity 5 200z
Discovered by Botanical Research. An insect with a giant horn, massive shell, and butterfly-like wings.
Sometimes found alongside cultivated items at the Botanical Research Center