Ancient Forest: Difference between revisions

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* The Ancient Forest Southwest Camp was the first base camp ever established on the New World Continent.<ref name="multiple1"/>
* The Ancient Forest Southwest Camp was the first base camp ever established on the New World Continent.<ref name="multiple1"/>
* Placing down Raw Meat in Area 1 will eventually attract a [[Great Jagras]] and (more rarely) an [[Anjanath]]. A Great Jagras will drop a shiny after eating the meat.<ref></ref>
* Placing down Raw Meat in Area 1 will eventually attract a [[Great Jagras]] and (more rarely) an [[Anjanath]]. A Great Jagras will drop a shiny after eating the meat.<ref></ref>
* Looking towards the western shore from the top of Area 8's rock face, one can spot a magma fragment left behind by [[Zorah Magdaros]].<ref></ref>


Revision as of 14:31, 24 November 2023

Ancient Forest
Game Appearances MHW
Habitat Type Forests
Number of Areas 17

The Ancient Forest is a locale introduced in Monster Hunter: World.

It is the first locale the player has access to, and is characterized by a lush, green environment.
Monsters such as Jagras and Anjanath can be found here.


The Ancient Forest consists of a vast forest area with varying vegetation density. Its central landmark is the Ancient Tree, an enormous tree structure that is actually an amalgamation of dozens of smaller trees. [1] With the Ancient Tree as its epicenter, the forest stretches out, transitioning into rocky cliffs, shores and even cave networks. At the very top of the megastructure, rain water accumulates in a natural reservoir, and the Ancient Tree’s roots and branches serve as water distributors from that source, creating channels and trickles that create numerous distinct habitats.[2] It can be broadly separated into three levels: the lower level, the middle level and the peak. The locale has been described to be similar to a tower in structure.[3] Like with most locales, the map is segmented into zones, 17 in this case.

Area 1: The Coastal Plain

The zone in the south-west is called the Coastal Plain [4] and is defined by a wide open plain, saturated with thin and shallow water streams. It derives its name from bordering directly on the south shore of the area, and of the New World Continent itself. The plant species found here don’t grow very tall, making this area ideal for grazing herbivores. Specifically, herds of Aptonoth can commonly be observed munching on the fresh greenery springing up from within and between the streams.

At the northern edge of the plain, one can find a small waterfall and pond. Various fish can be caught here. On the western side of this pond, a path leads to Area 2. A similar path can be found immediately east of the pond, which leads to Area 3.

In the south-western corner of this area sits the Ancient Forest Southwest Camp (1). A narrow path north of the camp leads to Area 9.

Area 2: The Forest of Turfs

In the center of the Ancient Forest’s lower level lies the Forest of Turfs.[4] This zone consists of a shaded clearing with numerous broken and lopsided branches forming walkways for many small monsters. Jagras can be found prancing here, and they are commonly seen using the large branches as highways to get around the forest. This area also includes an entrance to the underground tunnels. It is an optimal spot to intercept Great Jagras on its patrol.

Area 3: The Grassy Field

In the central south of the locale one finds the Grassy Field. As the name suggests, it is an area filled with tall yellowed grass, and connects Areas 1 and 4. Anjanath will often pass through here.

Area 4: The White Sandy Shore

The south-eastern corner of the locale is called the White Sandy Shore[3] and sports a small beach, as well as an entrance into Areas 11 and 5. Further to the east lies the gate to Astera. On the beach, groups of Kestodon can be encountered. It is also common to sight Great Jagras and Anjanath here. A vine tree grows near the beach, which can be used to temporarily trap monsters after it has been knocked over. Travelling directly north from here leads to Area 11.

Area 5: The Foggy Forest

This area is a shaded forest ground, perpetually darkened by the crowns of giant trees. Woodland and Forest Pteryx can sometimes be spotted gliding from tree to tree. In the center of the area, a lonesome Paratoad can often be observed sitting in the shade. Both Pukei-Pukei and Tobi-Kadachi are spotted here somewhat frequently. This area has a south and a north entrance, both of which connect to Area 11.

Area 6: The Spore-filled Forest

In the north-eastern corner lies a clearing where the air is thick with fungus spores. Here, sporepuffs and poisoncups grow aplenty, attracting Vespoids to the area. On an elevated platform, the Pukei-Pukei makes its nest. Following the path directly west from here, one can either move towards Area 7 by taking the dry route, or brave a small pond slightly to the southwest that leads to Area 12.

Area 7: The Hollow Nest

At the northern edge of the locale one finds a green corridor of sorts, leading past and around a large, hollow tree trunk. Various branches and vineways stretch out above this area, and Jagras are often seen using these passageways. Inside the trunk, a spiraling hole eventually leads to a nesting area, which is sometimes used by Kulu-Ya-Ku. This zone connects to Areas 6, 8, 10, 12.

Area 8: The Forest's Feeding Ground

In the northwestern corner of the locale lies the Forest's Feeding Ground.[5] This open area is the prime location for both herbivores and predators to have a little snack.The vegetation is short, save for two vine trees which can be used to trap monsters. Scatternuts also grow here. On the western edge, a small pond offers hydration to passing monsters. Most large Monsters that appear in this locale can venture here, and it is one of the lowest areas that Rathalos are known to visit. On a small rock nearby, Nargacuga can often be found relaxing.

Tucked away in a small cove sits the Ancient Forest Northwest Camp (8). The clearing itself connects Areas 7, 9 and 10.

Area 9: The Peak of the Rock Face

At the central western edge of the locale stands the Peak of the Rock Face[6], a sloped rocky plateau that overlooks a small pond. Many Paratoads gather on the rocks, while Gajau swim in the pond. A north entrance connects this zone to Area 8, while a southern corridor leads to the outskirts of Area 1. Two cave entrances in the east lead to Areas 2 and 10 through the locales Underground Tunnels.

Area 10: The Underground Intersection

In the center of the forest's lowest level sits the heart of the Underground Tunnels, a maze of overlapping and intersecting tunnels, broken up by large, traversable roots. Carrier Ants can be found here, and a daring hunter may even be able to steal some materials from one of their caravans. The tunnels connect Areas 2, 7, 8, 9 and 12.


Small Monsters

Large Monsters

Game Data


Items that can be gathered by hand while moving. Note that in Monster Hunter: World, these spots do not have a % chance to drop various items. They will always give the player the same item every time. They also are not affected by which Rank (Low, High or Master) the locale is visited at.

Item Areas
Herb 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16
Honey 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17
Antidote Herb 5, 6, 16
Fire Herb 4
Ivy 11, 13, 15
Sleep Herb 14
Flowfern 1, 12, 15
Nulberry 3, 11, 15, 16
Needleberry 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13
Latchberry 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15
Slashberry 12
Bomberry 11, 14, 17
Adamant Seed 11, 17
Smokenut 6, 14
Flamenut 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16
Blastnut 8, 14, 15
Dragonstrikenut 14, 17
Blue Mushroom 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17
Toadstool 6, 11, 15
Parashroom 2, 11
Nitroshroom 11
Exciteshroom 11, 15
Mandragora 17
Bitterbug 2, 7, 13
Flashbug 8, 13, 15, 17
Thunderbug 6, 11, 15, 17
Godbug 6, 14, 17
Baitbug 10, 11
Spiderweb 2, 7, 10, 13, 14

Items that are mined from either Blue or Red Mining Outcrops. Note that Mining Spots will drop various items at set % chances. Which specific items are available is also affected by the Rank (Low, High or Master) that the locale is visited at. Drops are also affected by the games Upsurge mechanic, wherein maps will have altered drop chances (usually favoring rare items) for certain resources during Upsurge events.

Blue Mining Outcrop
Item Rank % Chance % Chance with Upsurge
Iron Ore Low 76% 65%
Machalite Ore Low 21% 30%
Lightcrystal Low 3% 5%
Iron Ore x2 High 52% 35%
Machalite Ore High 17% -
Machalite Ore x2 High - 18%
Lightcrystal High 7% 12%
Novacrystal High 3% 5%
Carbalite Ore High 21% 30%
Eltalite Ore Master 76% 60%
Meldspar Ore Master 21% 35%
Purecrystal Master 3% 5%
Red Mining Outcrop
Item Rank % Chance % Chance with Upsurge
Dragonite Ore High 50% 33%
Dragonvein Crystal High 34% 41%
Spiritcore Ore High 13% 21%
Spiritvein Crystal Master 45% 45%
Dragonvein Shard Master 44% -
Dragonvein Coal Master - 38%
Dreamcore Ore Master 8% 12%
Dragoncore Ore Master 3% 5%

Items that are found in Bonepiles. Note that Bonepiles will drop various items at set % chances. Which specific items are available is also affected by the Rank (Low, High or Master) that the locale is visited at. Drops are also affected by the games Upsurge mechanic, wherein maps will have altered drop chances (usually favoring rare items) for certain resources during Upsurge events.

Item Rank % Chance % Chance with Upsurge
Monster Bone S Low 80% 50%
Monster Bone S x2 Low - 20%
Ancient Bone Low 20% 30%
Monster Bone S High 47% -
Monster Bone S x2 High - 25%
Ancient Bone High 20% 30%
Quality Bone High 30% 40%
Dragonbone Relic High 3% 5%
Ancient Bone Master 25% 25%
Thick Bone Master 72% 52%
Thick Bone x2 Master - 18%
Dragonbone Artifact Master 3% 5%
Account Items

These items reward resource points and are found in special spots across the map. Which specific items are available is also affected by the Rank (Low, High or Master) that the locale is visited at. Drops are also affected by the games Upsurge mechanic, wherein maps will have altered drop chances (usually favoring rare items) for certain resources during Upsurge events. Additionally, their drops are changed during their respective Flourishing state.

Flower Bed Spot
Item Rank % Chance % Chance with Upsurge
Sunbloom Low 80% 60%
Shinebloom Low 20% 40%
Sunbloom High 65% 55%
Shinebloom High 30% 38%
Goldbloom High 5% 7%
Sunbloom Master 55% 44%
Shinebloom Master 35% 42%
Goldbloom Master 10% 14%
Sunkissed Grass * All 100% 100%
Unique Mushroom Colony Spot
Item Rank % Chance % Chance with Upsurge
Gourmet Shroomcap Low 80% 60%
Exquisite Shroomcap Low 20% 40%
Gourmet Shroomcap High 65% 55%
Exquisite Shroomcap High 30% 38%
Spirit Shroomcap High 5% 7%
Gourmet Shroomcap Master 55% 44%
Exquisite Shroomcap Master 35% 42%
Spirit Shroomcap Master 10% 14%
Moonlit Mushroom * All 100% 100%

Items marked with * are only available when the map displays the Flourishing state


  • The Ancient Forest Southwest Camp was the first base camp ever established on the New World Continent.[4]
  • Placing down Raw Meat in Area 1 will eventually attract a Great Jagras and (more rarely) an Anjanath. A Great Jagras will drop a shiny after eating the meat.[7]
  • Looking towards the western shore from the top of Area 8's rock face, one can spot a magma fragment left behind by Zorah Magdaros.[8]


  1. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.112
  2. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.116
  3. 3.0 3.1 Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.105
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.104
  5. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.108
  6. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.109

See Also

Monsters associated with that locale, for example.