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Item Rarity Price
 Stone Rare 1 1z
A small rock. Can be thrown.
Obtained from most Ore spots
 Disk Stone Rare 4 68z
A disk-shaped stone.
Obtained from most Ore spots
 Earth Crystal Rare 4 120z
The crystallized remains of micro biotic organisms. Prized as a weapon abrasive.
Obtained from most Ore spots
 Antiseptic Stone Rare 3 183z
Earth Crystal with enhanced antiseptic qualities. Does not exist naturally.
Combine Earth Crystal and Bitterbug
 Iron Ore Rare 4 60z
Iron Ore can be smelted into metal and used for many different purposes.
Obtained from most Ore spots
 Machalite Ore Rare 5 160z
Better than Iron Ore. Used to make Machalite. Also called Sparrowstone.
Obtained from most Ore spots and carved from Basarios
 Dragonite Ore Rare 5 480z
Better than Machalite. Extremely valuable. Also called Dragonstone.
Obtained from most Ore spots and carved from Basarios in High Rank
 Union Ore Rare 5 320z
Ore containing a metal that can fuse any other material together.
Obtained from Ore spots in High Rank
 Firestone Rare 5 860z
Combusts at room temp. Can only be mixed with suitable materials.
Obtained from Ore spots in Area 8 of the Old Volcano in High Rank
 Coal Rare 3 120z
A rock-like material that can be burned for warmth.
Obtained from Ore spots in the Old Jungle and Old Volcano
 Lightcrystal Rare 5 1150z
Crystal with a dull glow. Extremely hard, it is used for tools in the armory.
Carved and rewarded from Gypceros and Kirin in Low Rank
 Novacrystal Rare 5 2440z
Brightly glowing crystal. Extremely hard, it is used for tools in the armory.
Carved and rewarded from Gypceros and Kirin in High Rank