Forest and Hills

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Forest and Hills
Game Appearances MH1 MHG
Habitat Type Forests
Number of Areas 12

The Forest and Hills, also known as the Forest Hill or the Verdant Hills, is a locale introduced in the original Monster Hunter.

Characterized by immense stone cliffs and verdant forests, the Forest & Hills was the first hunting locale created in the series, and is located in the frontier of West Schrade.


The Forest & Hills is divided into two major sections: the deep forest and the hillside. The forest section is dark and oppressive, which makes it perfect for land predators, while the hills and cliffs are bright and open, so large wyverns are often seen circling the skies in search of prey.

Base Camp

The base camp is located in a small cove within the forest, which hunters arrive to by boat. This camp is fully fitted with a tent, supply box and delivery box. Schools of fish can be caught in the river. There is only one land exit, leading right into the open.

Area 1

A vast open ridge featuring gigantic cliffs as far as the eye can see. Herbivores like the Aptonoth and Kelbi can be seen grazing here. Hunters can either choose to enter the forest or walk along to a higher point.

Area 2

Higher up in the cliffs, this small clearing is often overrun by Velociprey, the most common predator in the area. Some Kelbi can be found during rare moments of peace. From here one can ascend deeper into the ridge or continue along the cliffside.

Area 3

A large clifftop area that is divided into two small spaces, connected by a thin strip of walkable land. This is where monsters like Rathalos come to pick their prey, as it is abundant in large herbivores and is also close to their nesting grounds. One path leads closer towards the nest while the others lead into the forest.

Area 4

A small plateau that is often patrolled by Rathian, as this is the primary way of entering its nest by land. Herbivores thus only come here rarely. A cave entrance leads directly into a wyvern's den.

Area 5

This area contains a nest of wyverns, usually claimed by Rathalos and Rathian. Most of the ground is covered in bones of their prey. Velociprey will sometimes venture in here as well. It is said that the remains of a celebrated hunter can be found in this area. The only way forward is out of the cave.

Area 6

A massive cliff face overlooks this tiny section. It is generally peaceful, but Rathalos are known to rarely make an appearance here. Mosswine roam the lower levels looking for mushrooms, while the climbable cliff face protects this entrance to the nest. The way forward leads back to Area 2.

Area 7

Another cove in the forest, even smaller than the base camp. Mushrooms and vegetation grow abundant in this peaceful corner. This is where one can encounter the Veggie Elder.

Area 8

A forested zone that is often ignored by large monsters, yet is not a safe spot - as demonstrated by the remnants of an old base camp that has been torn to shreds. Velociprey often come here in search of small prey such as Mosswine. Bullfango sometimes venture here as well. One path leads into a large clearing while the other leads into a narrow passageway.

Area 9

This place is infamous for its distinct lack of fighting space, as large monsters often come here to drink while Melynx lie in wait, ready to steal any valuables. There is a small clearing further ahead, which leads back into Area 3.

Area 10

A large clearing in the forest. Felyne can be seen here gathering materials for their daily lives. Bullfango can also be found here in search of mushrooms. When a Velocidrome is in the area, packs of Velociprey will overrun this area, making it difficult to fight in. One can follow the small lake to reach its source of water.

Area 11

A tiny space shaped by a small waterfall. This place is generally calm, save for the rare temperamental Bullfango that may disturb the peace. The waterfall hides a small eroded rock wall that is perfect for mining, and some pieces of rock and whetstone flow down to the base. The entrance to the Felyne village lies here.

Area 12

A small village of Felynes. Houses are built into the hollow trunks of large trees, and there are piles lying about everywhere. Some contain tools and materials used by the felynes, and another pile is full of items stolen by Melynx. Rarely, Shakalaka will invade and make this their home.


Small Monsters

Large Monsters

Game Data


Base Camp

Fishing Spot Low Rank
Knife Mackerel
Pin Tuna
Fishing Spot High Rank
Knife Mackerel
Pin Tuna

Area 1

Dung Spot Low Rank
Dung 90%
Kut-Ku Scale 10%
Dung Spot High Rank
Dung 90%
Kut-Ku Scale 10%
Berry Spot 1 Low Rank
Needleberry 75%
Huskberry 25%
Berry Spot 1 High Rank
Needleberry 75%
Huskberry 25%
Berry Spot 2 Low Rank
Huskberry 80%
Scatternut 20%
Berry Spot 2 High Rank
Huskberry 80%
Scatternut 20%
Bug Spot Low Rank
Cricket 40%
Bitterbug 30%
Flashbug 10%
Insect Husk 18%
Thunderbug 2%
Bug Spot High Rank
Firefly 40%
Flashbug 25%
Insect Husk 18%
Godbug 10%
Thunderbug 7%