Wildspire Waste

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Wildspire Waste
Game Appearances MHW
Habitat Type Deserts
Number of Areas 15

The Wildspire Waste is a locale introduced in, and exclusive to, Monster Hunter: World.

It is the second locale the player has access to, and is characterized by an arid, hot environment.
Monsters such as Barroth and Diablos can be found here.


The Wildspire Waste consists of a vast desert area broken up by a small forest in the west and a marsh in the southeast. It is located east of the Ancient Forest, and borders both on it and Astera. The main landmarks of this locale are the Wildspires, massive anthills constructed by Carrier Ants.[1]The locale is quite flat, with few drastic changes in elevation. Both the small forest and the marsh found in the Wildspire Waste are themselves vestiges of the Ancient Forest, the former being the furthest growths of greenery to originate from the forest, while the latter is formed by the water that originates in the Ancient Tree's water reservoir.


Game Data


  1. Monster Hunter: World Complete Works, pg.124

See Also