Stun Sac

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Revision as of 01:39, 5 June 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Removed redirect to Paralysis Sac)
Stun Sac
Type Monster Material
Introduced MH1
Related Items
 Paralysis Sac
 Omniplegia Sac

The Stun Sac is a Monster Material introduced in Monster Hunter, acquired from Gendrome.


A monster organ that produces a paralyzing neurotoxin, which the monster injects into prey via ducts inside its fangs.

Game Data


 Stun Sac Rare 4 120z
A monster's internal organ filled with a paralyzing neurotoxin.
Carved and rewarded from Gendrome

See More

Velociprey and Velocidrome Materials
Scales  Genprey Scale  Genprey Scale+
Hides  Genprey Hide  Genprey Hide+  Gendrome Hide  Gendrome Hide+
Fangs and Claws  Genprey Fang  Gendrome Fang  Gendrome Fang+
Other  Gendrome Head